2018 is here and well established, and much needed change is happening planet-wide. Love is penetrating the hearts of even the most fear riven because the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify as more and more of you set and hold the intent to be only loving all day and every day, whatever arises.
That intent is Powerful! Please keep renewing it when you take your daily journeys within, to your holy altar where Love resides eternally, supporting and embracing you in every moment. That is why you are incarnate at this moment in time. You courageously chose to be on Earth to assist in the awakening process for humanity, knowing full well that it would be difficult, demanding, and at times very painful.
You are greatly honored in the spiritual realms, as you will discover with joy when you awaken. Even now you will get glimpses of it if you will allow yourselves to fully accept yourselves.
The time for self-disparagement and negative self-judgment has passed, and your constant conscious intent to be completely self-accepting makes it far easier for Love to flow into you so that you can feel Its warm embrace, and then out through you to interact most positively with the energy fields of all with whom you are in any form of contact.
And that is what you are here to do, so enjoy the fact and the activity of being alive, and in that state you are doing the essential work of helping to awaken humanity.
Life is eternal and is a divine gift that mostly you do not appreciate because you get so caught up in being human and all that that entails – taking care of your bodies with food, shelter, and clothing, and ensuring that you can provide those essentials for yourselves, your loved ones, and dependents by going to work and paying bills – and while that is occupying your attention life flows by practically unnoticed.
Make it your intention to notice the little things in your daily lives that you enjoy – being warmly clothed in winter or lightly clad in summer, that first taste of coffee or tea in the morning, a smile or greeting from a friend or loved one – for those are what life is really about, and far too often you are unaware of them. BUT, Life is Awareness so, Be Aware!
Choose to live mindfully, and keep reminding yourselves of that choice until it becomes automatic. Being consciously aware of this now moment, instead of lost in the worries, anxieties and deadlines of daily human life, will bring you a sense of peace and contentment, thus assisting you to deal more easily and effectively with whatever issues arise throughout the day.
You are divinely assisted in very moment because there is only One, from which separation or disconnection is impossible. However, as humans, you have cut yourselves off from your knowing of that by your choice to experience separation, and, believing yourselves to be alone and separated, you attempt to solve and resolve your issues with your extremely limited human intelligence, instead of allowing divine knowledge – your intuition, not your ego based thought system – to guide you lovingly to a resolution that is for the highest good of all involved.
To be alone is not an option that is available to you. Such a state does not exist, but you can and did choose to be unaware of your unbreakable connection to Source, your oneness with Source, while experiencing life as a human. This choice has not only made the illusory world of form seem intensely real, but has also led you to believe that your life as a human is a one time event, terminating finally, and without you having any choice in the matter, at the moment of physical death.
However, death is just a moment of transition, the point at which you lay down your physical form and return to your natural state of being fully wide awake and consciously aware of your unbreakable connection to Source, Love, Mother/Father/God. Many who have had near death experiences have shared what they learnt about death very widely, and yet it is hard for individuals to release their doubts about their own personal immortality, and their fear of that seemingly life-threatening termination point – Death – remains.
Truly, death is but a transition and should not be feared. Life as a human, during which you engage with family, friends, and workmates, does provide you with experiences that you value, and relationships that you do not wish to end, but your relationships do not end with death. It seems to those who remain as human after your passing that the relationship that they had with you has ended because they are no longer able to experience your physical presence or be in contact with you, and so they grieve.
But when you transition you will be met and most warmly greeted by a multitude of friends and relatives who have already transitioned, or who have chosen to discontinue the cycle of human life experiences and remain in their natural state at One with Source.
You will be at Home, embraced by joy, and fully at peace as you once again fully understand the meaning of Life. And, of course, you will always remain fully aware of those with whom you had any kind of relationship while in human form, and will continue to be able to interact with their energy fields, even though they may well be unaware of your loving presence.
You are eternal beings created in joy for all eternity, while presently you are, by your own choice, experiencing an unreal but seemingly very real sense of separation from Source. However, deep within yourselves you know that you remain One with Source, always. So go within daily, to your holy inner space, and join with the Love residing there and allow yourselves to feel It’s loving and uplifting embrace.
This will strengthen your faith that you are forever One with God, and your ability to hold the intent to be always loving whatever arises. Then you will notice the little things that can and will inspire and uplift you as you go about your daily human tasks and duties in a state of awareness and openness, inspiring and uplifting those with whom you interact in any way at all. And in so doing you will indeed be doing God’s divine Will in every moment, just as you have always intended.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
“Jesus: Truly, Death is But a Transition and Should Not Be Feared,” Channeled by John Smallman, January 10, 2018, at httpss://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/2018/01/10/truly-death-is-but-a-transition-and-should-not-be-feared/