Prescheduled before Steve left on vacation.
We’re in the midst of a wholesale change of planetary management. As a blue-sky fellow, I’d like to comment.
One could make a case for it being a revolution or an evolution.
It’s a revolutionary break from the past in that it’s radically-discontinuous and abrupt.
No longer will politics be corrupt.
No longer will our women and children be at risk anywhere on the planet for lack of ethical state protection.
No longer will inequitable treatment be tolerated in society or any other arena because of gender, race, religion, politics, etc.
This can arguably be called a revolution.
And it’s also an evolution, albeit a very quick one. What’s the difference? Well, evolution has two meanings.
Evolution can refer to changes in or to a class of phenomena, to the whole group, over non-discrete time. The fish turned into an amphibian, which went up on land and became all land and air creatures. These events are not anchored to discrete periods of time in my discussion. I discuss the flow of events, rather than unique, historical, or biographical details. This meaning applies to external phenomena.
We are certainly part of an evolutionary wave for humanity called “Ascension.” This meaning is relevant, but it’s not the important one for me in this discussion.
What’s important for me here lies in its second meaning. Evolution also refers to the individual’s spiritual progress towards the goal of Self-Realization. “She’s a very evolved soul.” “The process you’re going through is part of your evolution.” Etc. This meaning applies to internal phenomena.
Viewed from this vantage point:
(A) The Illuminati, cabal or deep state is also going through events in their evolution. Their evolution was – by design – intended to be peaceful. It didn’t work out that way but that was a departure from the original intention.
(B) We’re going through our own inner spiritual evolution towards Self-Realization. Our evolution is intended to produce no unpleasant karma for us in future lives; i.e., our lives are intended to be peaceful as well.
If we project this situation onto the outer world, something we’d never do with a vasana or core issue, (1) we can extrapolate that all lives appear intended to be peaceful.
Spiritual evolution doesn’t point in the direction of rape, torture, and bloodshed. Spiritual evolution points in the direction of increasing love, sharing, and compassion.
This may be the first generation on Earth since very ancient times that felt safe enough even to consider surrendering the care of the body politic, military, religious, etc., to qualities such as these. Once the planetary management has changed, I think we’ll be able to forgive, let go, and allow the rise of a truly-democratic civil society.
(C) In our new endeavor, hopefully we won’t create residue for future conflict. Except in circumstances where another is threatening violence or other forms of harm, and perhaps even there, we may endeavor to create win/win solutions to our disagreements.
No longer will people come from positions like “beggar your neighbor” or “looking out for Number One.” No longer will war be praised or glamorized. No longer will women (and children, we discover) be sexually-objectified, attacked, and subjugated.
When the global situation is examined from this second standpoint, we seek to transition from the old order which was so inhumane and violent into a new one that’s humane and peaceful.
And we will make that transition. The White Hats and the military are allied with our star family, and beyond them the celestials. We’re in good hands. It’s been well planned. It’s intended to be as peaceful as possible.
My job – and maybe yours; it’s up to you – is to build the new alternative and let the White Hats manage the transition.
We’ll build a new world, one that works for everyone. We’ll never permit it to be corrupted again, by any party, religion, or cabal. As far as I’m concerned, the recalcitrants, if they’re prepared to be peaceful and if justice has seen its course, can rejoin us at any time.
But we won’t be joining their party any more. The 99% have voted for a new world, one that works.
This, for me at least, is one road that I hope leads to such a world. We all know it’s coming. We just want it now.
(1) A vasana is a core issue or recurring upset which brings a volcanic reaction from us: “Don’t you ever say that again!” “Don’t you touch me!” but also ordinary upsets like “you kept me waiting.” etc.
My suggestion has always been not to project our vasanas onto other people by getting irritated or mad with them. Any difficulty that gets us upset has its origins in events long ago. The real origins of the upset have to be seen and recognized for the upset to lift.
Cynthia McKinney for President 2020