Two readers have asked me to address publicly the question of failed dates.
Where am I at with all the dates that come and go without event?
First of all, everyone and anyone who has ever made a prediction around dates has been mistaken.
I’ve been mistaken 100% of the time when I’ve posted a predicted date, for which I apologize.
On October 14, 2008, a mothership was supposed to decloak. I told all my friends. Now there would be proof.
It never happened.
The predicted visit to the Neptune mothership, through my own negligence, never happened.
The arrival of Pre-NESARA funds, predicted from 2011 on, never happened.
Ascension in 2012 itself never happened.
Nothing in the area of Disclosure has happened.
Accountability – the stopping of the cabal – is underway and is probably the first tangible, in-public evidence that something external is happening. (1)
In light of all these intelligence failures, where am I at with dates?
I don’t want dates to be part of my discussion any longer.
How many times do dates have to come and pass without event before one loses interest in the subject of “when”? I’ve lost interest.
I want to get on with life, accepting uncertainty rather than chasing after false certainty.
Here’s the truth for me: These events will occur when the timing is right. What determines the timing I don’t know, but I suspect it’s a vibrational matter.
Until then, I’ll push forward in building Nova Earth in whatever direction is open to me.
Do I consider the events associated with the dates to be real events? Absolutely. It just takes more time to transform a world than our patience allows. Or our financial situation.
I’ll be taking a couple of weeks off after Christmas.
(1) Aside from the booms heard around the world, which Archangel Michael revealed to me in a reading on Dec. 20, 2017 was made by spacecraft, intentionally wanting to attract attention to themselves as part of Disclosure. Article on the matter upcoming.