In the course of building Nova Earth, we’ll probably find we have need to rid ourselves of a few past illusions that no longer fit or no longer serve us.
Here’s an example. I assert that the prime illusion we operated under in the old Third Dimension was that we were “separative selves struggling for survival in a society of seeming scarcity.”
None of that is true.
We’re not separate. We’re bubbles in a sea of love. When we burst we find we’re simply love again.
We’re not the small selves we think we are. When we see our other dimensional selves – the Seventh-Dimensional Oversoul, our Higher Self whatever that plane of existence is (when I experienced it, it did not come with a guidebook. It did not announce
If we’re going to drop an ingrained belief, I think we have to start with the truth. What’s the truth here.
Are we in truth “separative selves struggling for survival in a society of seeming scarcity”?
We may be separative. That much seems true to me. It’s a fundamental building block of most philosophies that we are in all ways separate – body, mind, emotions, even spirit. That sense of separateness is seen on a dense level like the old Third, but it isn’t seen on a more refined and higher dimension.
From my limited experience in transformative, higher-dimensional love, never for a moment did I feel separate from another. We were ice cubes immersed in an ocean of love. Ice cubes remain water (or love). We were water (love) through and through.
Eventually we’ll melt into the ocean but not right away. But the loss of form would change nothing (truthful) – and it would change everything (illusory).
But are we separate? In my opinion, we’re separate in some ways. That was what God intended. (1) But we’re also not separate in other ways and that’s what’s being pointed at here.
We’re not separate in consciousness. We’re not separate in love.
Need we struggle for survival? I don’t think that has ever been true. Struggle and conflict seem to have characterized every century since our earliest times, from the scant knowledge I have.
Now, at the present day, we see stories emerging in the press that really do promise to reveal the planetary controllers’ ideas and behavior for what they are. The truth of the matter of the conflict we’ve been subjected to will emerge.
It’ll be our time then to stop the behavior without taking revenge upon the people. But that’s what we’re here for, I think.
So, no, there’s no need, in my opinion, for struggle and conflict on this planet. The default of everything is peace. War must be maintained but peace does not so need. Empty space does not make war upon itself. It’s peaceful expanse is what everything dissolves into, like smoke into air. Everything dissolves into stillness and peace.
Do we have to struggle to survive? Against world governments bent on our destruction, as with the Rohingya, Yemenis, or Syrians? Perhaps. I’m not qualified to comment.
But our overall survival is assured. If we need to make our transition, where we end up will be entirely to our satisfaction. Perhaps read New Maps of Heaven.
Is scarcity unavoidable in our society? Not by any means. I’m convinced that the problem lies in distribution – or perhaps a lack of distribution – of money and resources in our world. We all know about that and that stands to be corrected.
So apart from our withholding money and resources, for whatever reason, legal or illegal, I see there to be no need for scarcity anywhere on the planet.
I personally find that this perspective on people is not true, that the truth is a world apart, so to speak, from this most prevalent of our shared perspectives.
What is the truth? As far as I can see, it’s that we are sparks of the Divine ensconced in form and veiled in illusion whose task it is to find the One from whom they originated. When that occurs, God meets God and for that purpose was all of this created.
There is no reason for us to be warring on each other. There’s no reason for anyone to go without.
In the world we are building, no one will go without. It’s a higher-dimensional truth – but the higher dimensions are where we’re going: The world can be made to work for everyone.
Heaven works that way. As above, so below. We are drawing Heaven (the Fifth Dimension) down to Earth, literally and figuratively.
(1) See “Ch. 3 The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment” at and “Ch. 4 When God Meets God” at