Here’s another very helpful passage from Archangel Michael on how to mobilize collective will after the Reval to make a difference in our world.
“Transcript ~ Archangel Michael: Understand the Divine Gift of Will, AHWAA, September 22, 2016,” at
Steve Beckow: Is there such a thing as collective will?
Archangel Michael: There most certainly is! And you say, “Well how, Lord, would that work? How does it work?” Because in many ways, right now, it is just beginning to work again repeatedly upon sweet Gaia.
Think of collective will in some ways as a very powerful entrainment. Now that does not mean that you are not in charge of your will. Because this aspect of being in charge, of not having decisions made for you, of being able to proceed freely – and this has been a theme that we have talked about a great deal – does not mean that collective will overrides individual will.
You have seen that friction time and time and time again. Now, let us be very clear; when you are in alignment with your Divine Will – that is operating and reflective and literally in alignment with Divine Will – that doesn’t mean, as so many people in past paradigms have interpreted it, that ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’. That is of the old paradigm and there is no room for it.
But think of it in this way … collective will is in fact sparked, activated, entrained, by those individuals who are willing and able and ready, and actually moving in action to show the way. Now that does not mean – think of the entrainment of a school of fish – that you are always at the head of that school of fish. Because there are many roles, including those who are in the middle of the school and do not break away but continue this wondrous pattern of cooperation and harmony, and those who are at the tail end who do not sit and sulk and think, “Oh, I am at the end of the row here.” So, it is that beauty but it is sparked by individual will.
Now, how does that work? And how does one change what has been the, shall we say, the old will, which is not Divine Will, into this alignment with Divine Will? This is one of your primary activities, actions, in terms of being the Mother’s implementers of Nova Earth and the bringing forth, the building, the creation, the anchoring, the establishment – not only of Nova Being – but of Nova Earth, Nova Collective, Nova Humanity. When there are enough of you, and I would suggest that you are basically there, to say, “We are going to go with an act of will generated by love. We are going in this direction.”
Now, the rest of humanity may not know all the fine-tuning, all the detail, but it is sufficient that they say, “Yes, this feels right, on every level, everybody. This feels right enough for me to move in harmony with this group.” That is the building of unity and community. And, in fact, it is done not just by love, but as an act, an action of will.
So you say, “Well how do we do this?” And what I suggest to you, first of all, there is the acceptance piece. It is the acceptance that you are in alignment – and that you have done your work, of course – that you are in alignment with Divine Will. And that you are willing to step forward, and either at the front, the middle, behind or somewhere in between, take a certain direction that is in alignment with will and love, and all the Divine Qualities, because they are all one thing anyway.
Now, what I also further suggest to you, my beloved friends, is that consciously or unconsciously, without having labeled it as such, that you have been doing this. And you actually have been doing it for some time. And, I do not simply mean since 2012, which was a landmark decision and a landmark redirection, but as a collective – not everybody, but enough of you – have been doing this for quite some time.
Now, has there been exploration and a growth of trust, not necessarily in us but in your beloved sweet selves, and from that, in and with each other?
Now the biggest element that you need to be personally and collectively cognizant and vigilant about is that ascendance of superiority, of entitlement, and of ego. Never do we wish, or would it be of love, to eradicate your delightful, sweet, powerful –sometimes disconcerting – qualities of your personality. But you cannot proceed in an egoic way that is reflective of the old pitfalls of ‘I have the answer. I am the leader. I am right, you are wrong’. Nothing will destroy your forward thrust faster than that. So, the memories, which are important, of the history of the pitfalls, are present in order that that reversion to the old Third does not occur.
But as you are going forth, you are literally forging new ways. Think of – in North America there are many such examples, but we will use North America – when your settlers came to your eastern coast and they began their trek to the West, they did not know what lay ahead. They were not sure what river or pathway to take. It was a journey.
And while there were many missteps, there was also a collective will to keep going, to explore and to create new places of home, to escape what had been in many ways economic or political slavery. Yes, there were many mistakes made, but to forge new pathways.
And that is what you are doing. And in that, there are those of you who will be the guide at the front of the wagon train, and there will be cooks, and child minders and teachers, and those that sit and paint the landscape. Everybody is necessary. And, nobody has a more important role than another.
For some it is a very individual act of will; ‘I am doing this and I am bringing my piece to this undertaking. I do not want the bigger picture. I simply want to work with 12 women who have been sold into slavery and to help them regain the sense of who they are and claim their lives.’ That is as important as the bigger picture. Everybody has to be respected – yes has to be respected and valued! Because what happens in the reversion to the old is that sense of value and respect of honoring was lost. And so one of the biggest things that I guide you on is the importance of maintaining, not only the sense of community, but the value and the honor and the respect of every being.
There will be such a plethora of undertakings. Depending on your slant, your preference, your guidance, your mission, you will feel that your project, your undertaking is the most important thing on the planet. And that is fuel for you. That, with the love of your undertaking, fuels your will to get going. But it does not give it primary importance in the fabric and the tapestry of the whole. Every single thread is important. So the balance – and to speak to balance – we are not recommending to you, we are not guiding you to become so driven, so overly focused on projects that you forget the balance of who you are. And that you reflect that balance and the perfection of that balance to one another