Credit: Daily Mail
A raid on CIA Langley, the prospect of ending net neutrality, 4200 plus sealed indictments – we’re in the calm before the storm and the storm may be about to hit us.
What might our role be as lightworkers in this storm? What might it be when all around us are either risking their lives to break the grip of the cabal once and for all, implicated at all levels in crime, or completely-innocent bystanders?
Let me work up to it, will you? Because there is much to be said as prelude. I apologize for the length of this commentary but the subject matter is important. Perhaps read it in instalments.
I want to draw our attention first to the various arms of the military who’ve stood up to the cabal for years, a significant section of the intelligence agencies, and others who once gave the cabal its strength – not knowing the true picture or what master they served.
All of us gave our best to what we thought were legitimate causes. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on this, the war on that.
We believed we were fighting whatever the foe of the moment was, in defence of our countries – communism, “terrorism,” etc. As represented by the puppet masters, whether CIA or Illuminati, that we did not suspect existed.
This was before Dr. Carol Rosen laid out the cabal’s plans to herd us into slavery (first communism, then rogue states, then terrorism, etc.). (1)
We bought the Operation-Mockingbird line as much as pre-WWII Germans bought what their particular brand of tyranny said.
We were as much taken in by the cabal’s version of our history and future as they were by theirs. We ourselves were about to repeat the history of tyranny usurping peaceful life.
Would you ever believe that one day you’d be hearing someone compare our recent history to the history of the Nazis’ rise to power? Neither did I. This as not the way the story was supposed to end.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ALLUuvsVkM