Céline in California wrote in with these heart-warming comments about her native country.
As a Zimbabwean born and raised person, I thought I would send over a brief perspective of a people and country I am immensely proud of today.
A completely united country joined together and finally found a way to oust a dictator who has wallowed in splendor in front of the people, and stayed there, perhaps because of a convenient relationship with forces in the world who have thrived on plunder, violence, and divide and conquer strategies.
The “coup de Grace” (such a great pun) (1) was the card that toppled the house a couple of weeks ago, and the dominoes fell so swiftly, it is almost a dream.
With the sliver of Light that stepped forward at the weekend and the high vibrations of a jubilant population, not only in Zimbabwe, but also in the diaspora, the dense energies had no chance, and today they dissolved.
What is so amazing is that the exit of the dense, heavy hand has been accomplished with not a single incidence of violence or even malevolence. The people are all agreeing that Mugabe should be allowed to live out his days in Peace. They are just thrilled to be able to begin a new era, together, as One.

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
The level of discussion and thought coming from Zimbabwe is of such a high level that the future of that beautiful nation is in good hands.
Something that does not escape me is that these 15 million Zimbabwean people (at home and abroad) are lifting all boats the world over, with their high vibration efforts and jubilation. We know that the high vibes ripple out, so I am proud of their contribution to our collective journey into the Light. We shall all be feeling the gift, and nothing will surprise us as other peoples feel empowered to follow suit in Gandhian fashion.
Who woulda thunk?
And these vibes coming from the southern hemisphere, from a so-called developing nation (an arrogant western definition), shows us that there is no us and them, anywhere, and that the high road arises from where we may least expect it.
Believe it and you will see it, as the One who Serves always reminds us (through James McConnell).
I am ‘glowing’ with pride!
Much Love to you.
Sanat Kumara: Celebrate Victory!
Back in August of 2013 on InLight Radio Show, Heavenly Blessings, Suzanne Maresca asked Sanat Kumara during his discussion of the Universal Law of Intent, a question about our “invisible” work:
“If I could just get just one tiny bit of extra confirmation here; all my work is in the invisible realms of light and energy with intention and imagination, so I just want to confirm that it’s enough to bring about significant positive change, that overt physical action is not always necessary.”
SK replied that she was absolutely correct, that our unseen work brings about change, and he mentioned Robert Mugabe:
“A great deal of the work of transformation that is taking place upon this planet is not seen. So, it is difficult and it is an act of trust, of faith, when you say for example, ‘I am sending energy to Robert Mugabe, that the heart opening and the people of this nation are free to express, to thrive, to grow, to shift.’
“Then you see that there is a change in this leadership. And you think, ‘It worked.’
“Or do you think, ‘Gee, I hope I was part of that?’
Sanat Kumara goes on, asking us to celebrate the victories of the unseen and invisible:
“What I am asking you is to celebrate the victories of the unseen and invisible. When you note a shift, a change – and it is often subtle, and sometimes it is very obvious – celebrate it!
“You do not take – and I do not mean you, my sweet Suzanne, I mean all of you – you do not take enough credit for the work you do. So this is part of the difficulty.
“You think, ‘I work and work and work, I send, I send, I send, and where is my proof?’
“But the proof is there. So when you witness it, when you see a change in attitude, behaviours or nation states becoming more compassionate, more open, say to yourself, ‘I did that.’
“Take the credit; celebrate – not in an ego sense, but in the sense of a job well done.
“Please – we’re asking you to do this.” (2)
(1) Grace is Robert Mugabe’s wife.
(2) “Sanat Kumara on the 2nd Universal Law, the Law of Intent,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, August 23, 2013, https://counciloflove.com/2013/08/sanat-kumara-on-the-2nd-universal-law-the-law-of-intent/