Recently, Ashley Judd came forward with allegations against Harvey Weinstein.
In a YouTube video dated October 27, 2017, she’s interviewed by Diane Sawyer for ABC Nightline.
Ashley says to Harvey, “I Love you, and I understand that you are sick and suffering. There is help for a guy like you and it is entirely up to you to get that help.”
Diane says that that statement will surprise a lot of people, but Ashley says, “It’s Who I Am.”
On An Hour With An Angel, October 19, 2017, Steve asked this question:
“A friend of mine said that the vast majority, most – with an emphasis on most – women have been sexually abused, harassed, assaulted – and not just in a really minor way, but in a way that sears its way into their consciousness – in their lifetimes. And we are talking about modern women right now. Is that an accurate statement, Lord?” (1)
Archangel Michael agreed:
“Yes. If you think of the pattern of those false grids that we have been discussing — and let me emphasize that all of you have come as both men and women, women and men over time — but the patriarchal abuse system has been so firmly entrenched that it is not just a ground swell; it’s an earthquake that has need to allow this energy to emerge, from above of course, and from below.
“This happens of course in the human and other realities. This has happened on a very broad spectrum.
“So, there are women, children particularly, and male children by the way (2) who have been terrified and abused as children, sexually, or beaten or abused mentally and emotionally by that belief system, that that is all right.
“In no reality is that acceptable, not even in the human realm.
“[That] literal physical, mental, and emotional abuse … has interfered with the soul’s progression and the fulfillment of their soul’s design.”
He says that we allow terrible abuse to take place in eastern, western, northern, and southern cultures, that the fear factor is very strong, but also that the subtle belief system prevails that it’s the victim’s fault.
“And this is really what is being weeded out by this Weinstein incident is that there is a subtle belief system that somehow it is the victim’s fault … for being born, that they somehow deserved it, and the fault does not lie with the perpetrator.
“Whether it is in a boardroom or a back alley, that is what is coming to the surface. And it is coming to the surface in all kinds of ways and very rapidly.”
Archangel Michael says healing, repair, and reconstruction of that paradigm are taking place:
“It is no longer acceptable and it is not part of your mental, physical, spiritual DNA. It is not of the Love. It is not of the Mother. It is not of the Father.
“It is not of anything except this misunderstanding on a very basic level of what it means to be human. And it is time – and it is happening – that this chapter of this misunderstanding is coming to conclusion.”
Our desire to change has us standing up and saying what is not acceptable, but we are also creating what replaces the old behaviour.
Archangel Michael asks us:
“For example, when you see in a public place a man shove his children, or his wife — what replaces that with you pretending that you didn’t see it or turning your head away because you don’t want to create a fuss, because you don’t want to get involved — what replaces that?
“It is something that every human being male and female are being invited to deal with. And it starts in some ways with the most minimal intrusion. Because when you speak to somebody, when you speak over somebody, when you disrespect them or disregard them, it may start as a minimal dismissal, but that gives you permission, and so it grows and the aberration grows.
“So this is teaching children different ways. It is protecting children in different ways, male and female. But it is also particularly males declaring to the community, to themselves and to other males, ‘You know, that is not acceptable.'”
Emma Thompson is very forthright in this interview with BBC Newsnight, October 12, 2017:
When asked if our most effective response is to send Love to everyone involved, Archangel Michael said:
“That is correct. And that includes the young girls who are experiencing genital mutilation, and it includes the wife and mother who is beaten raw. It includes the mother who is abandoned and has no milk or water for her children.
“It is a collective decision. And you are setting the paradigm – you the lightworker community – are setting the paradigm that says this is not acceptable. This is not only not right in your parlance, but this is not the way we choose to live. This is not what we want.”
Trusting in Love, sending Love — letting go of not forgiving, addiction to pain — the healing of perpetrator and victim occurs so we balance individually and collectively.
Jackson Katz has this powerful message:
An Invocation
I invoke Archangel Michael
and his Blue Flame of Truth
for healing in balance,
Loving the perpetrator
and the victim equally.
I Am Balance
I Am Peace
I Am Love
(1) “Transcript ~ Archangel Michael: On the Apparent Chaos in Our World,” AHWAA, October 19, 2017, channelled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,
(2) Corey Feldman: Child Abuse in Hollywood and An Open Secret Documentary Trailer