Greeting magnificent beings of light, we love you deeply, we are one with you and are walking your pathway with you. We wish to celebrate your truth with you and encourage you to celebrate the sacred love, peace and light within you.
Your light is so much stronger, potent and powerful than you could possibly imagine. If you only realized that you could move mountains with the power within you. If you only recognized that you can trust yourself completely and absolutely to create the reality and ascension you wish to experience now. If you were only aware of the support that surrounds you and fills your entire being daily. You too would celebrate the truth within you with great joy, excitement and bliss.
How would you in this very moment celebrate your inner truth and magnificence? What would you do? Think on this. It only needs to be a small action, a punch to the sky, wrapping your arms around yourself, taking a bath, going for a walk, eating wholesome food. Encourage yourself to achieve a celebration of your truth today.
Now we wish to ask you to contemplate, what could you do in the next week to celebrate your truth? This can be an action that makes a small difference in your reality and leads you to realize your inner truth more fully. The action could be to take time to relax or exercise, to read a book on a subject that inspires inner feelings of peace and love, to be creative, to create an altar that expresses your inner truth in a more physical way.
The Most Important Celebration
We, the Celestial White Beings, have a final question for you, what could you do in your life now that would be a celebration and recognition of your truth, making a significant change to your reality or spiritual evolution? What does your soul wish you to focus on or take action to experience in order to express your inner truth, shift your energy vibration and perspective, as well inspire a positive loving change in your reality?
This information and guidance can only come forth from your soul into your awareness. You are inviting your soul to guide you in the next step for you, small or large that will enable you to more fully recognize your inner truth, becoming familiar with the magnificence within you.
Take time to meditate or reflect quietly. When it feels appropriate to engage with your soul, imagine the color of your soul radiating from your being. If you do not understand the colors of your soul, visualise a colour that feels appropriate emanating from your being. Feel, sense or acknowledge that the energy of the Creator is fused with your soul and that you are one. This is akin to a constant current moving through your entire being. Already you are connecting with your inner truth and power.
Inhale and exhale deeply feeling as if you are shifting and melting into the centre of your being, into the foundations of your energy and soul. It is as if you are entering into a nest of your soul light that cradles you tenderly. You are fully supported, protected and loved.
Once you feel connected to the core of your soul, ask without expectation, ‘I wish to celebrate my inner truth in my life now, how can I achieve this creating a significant experience that demonstrates my truth to me?’
Then simply focus upon your breathing and be observant of the thoughts, emotions, ideas, visions or sensations that come to your awareness. Even if these seem to be unrelated to your question, even impossible or silly, please do not dismiss them instantly, let them develop within your awareness if they need to and then you can accept or dismiss.
If you are unable to receive any guidance, then ask for the guidance to come to you in another way, through a person, book, poster and so forth. Once you have received guidance from your soul allow yourself to create an action plan of specific actions that you can easily achieve that will assist you in celebrating your truth in the way that is guided by your soul. Know that the easier your actions are to achieve the easier you will find it to connect on a deeper level with your soul, truth and magnificence.
Inner Truth Develops Into Ease
When you connect on a deeper level with your inner truth and magnificence you can develop a desire for your life to be easy, if this is the case then let it be easy! When you wish for something it appears as an energy in the future, when you allow and let that which you wish for to be present within your body and take shape in your life, you are acting as the vehicle for its birth into your reality.
We, the Celestial White Beings, wish to encourage you to focus on the energy of simplicity within your being, focus on peace rather than drama and seek the simplest most meaningful answers. Recognize that you create your reality from within, heal the wounds within that are causing chaos and challenges in your life and realize that when you focus upon that which you desire you bring the energy of it into your being and reality for your experience.
It is your divine right to be in the divine flow of the Creator when you are experiencing the flow of the Creator everything moves through you and from you. It is as if you are giving birth to everything you embody, the truth and essence of your being becomes more and more apparent within and around you.
The Purpose of Celebrating Your Inner Truth
We, the Celestial White Beings, are encouraging you to celebrate and honor your inner truth because to do so is activating for your entire being. You align with a state and energy of remembrance within your being which ignites and awakens all levels of your being, light begins to pulsate through your energy systems creating a deep cleansing and the removal of stagnant energy.
The more light moving through your body and aura the quicker your energy vibration pulsates at, moving you into a heightened state of awareness that allows you to access inner guidance. The wisdom, knowledge and sacred abilities stored within you and within the universe of the Creator become available to you.
Your infinite connection to all that is the Creator, your oneness with the Creator and ability to express the Creator through your being becomes easy to access, comprehend and experience. That which we speak of inspires you to be fully present with the transformation occurring within your being and the universe of the Creator, deepening your ascension experience.
When more souls celebrate and honor their inner truth and magnificence, becoming familiar with all that they are and their power, this will creates major shifts in the consciousness of humanity. People will take action supporting shifts and transformations in the way that the earthly reality is perceived by many.
The perception of the human body, what it is capable of and its connection with the spiritual body and soul will also enter into the consciousness of all. Thus, limitations upon humans and Mother Earth will dissolve. This will denote a deep exploration and investigation by the majority of humanity concerning what it means to be human, the purpose of life and how to live in harmony with all.
New understandings will dawn completely transforming the way humanity and Mother Earth live together. Old perceptions, ideas and ways of living will be discarded as humanity, and Mother Earth cleanse themselves of all limitations and veils of illusion. It will be as if humanity and Mother Earth have been set free to experience life fully and completely as an expression of the Creator. Such a transformation and unburdening of energies takes time, patience and compassionate love for all.
Those who are accustomed to celebrating and honoring their soul and the wisdom it brings forth will be able to act as beacons sharing understanding and guidance. The wisdom and actions they feel inspired to encourage and create will have a purpose of bringing all closer to a deeper and more profound experience of their truth; the Creator that resides within.
In everlasting bliss,
The Celestial White Beings
Read More the Celestial White Beings
Original source: Sacred School of OmNa httpss://