Releasing Deep-Seated Vasanas
By C. Louis Osburn, via email
I wish to thank Steve and Kathleen for their work on releasing vasanas. Steve’s recent essays describing himself as an infant tied to a crib to prevent scratching his eczema had created a reaction to the traumatic event that has rippled through time.
It also moved me to write this introduction to a method of releasing vasanas that I have been teaching and coaching for more than two years with hundreds of hours of practice with many students who have had impactful and, often miraculous, removal of deep seated vasanas.
I take no credit for this method other than I had the good sense to ask Divine Mother for a method that would help permanently take out a vasana – root and all. There is an old adage when communicating with the Divine, “Ask and you shall receive.” Divine Mother guided, over the course of a few months, to develop was is called the Surrendering Protocol.
After having used it myself over four thousand times (I had a childhood filled with emotional reactions to trauma) over a period of three years (that’s a daily use of around 5 times a day) I find myself in a state that can only be described as sahaja samadhi. I feel centered and in a state of “bliss plus” throughout the day.
I attribute this state to conscious breathing through the heart, expressing gratitude often and the efforts of the Surrendering Protocol.
I believe that this Protocol, which begins next, is so effective because we are humble enough to ask Divine Mother for help in removing the vasana, replacing it with a divine substitute, and then helping us to gain wisdom by showing us what caused the vasana in the first place. I invite you to surrender your vasana removal process to the Divine Mother (or Source, or Allah, or Jesus or Buddha or the Universe, or the One, or whatever name that you choose to represent the Supreme Creator).
Feel free to share the Surrendering Protocol in it’s entirety to those of your friends family and loved ones who express an interest in healing the vasanas in their lives. May it help you and others to reduce suffering and allow your True Self to shine through.
The Surrendering Protocol
Step Zero is the monitoring of your emotions and emotional reactions throughout the day. When you feel anger, anxiousness, anxiety, boredom, irritation, jealousy, envy, greed, need to control dominate or judge, and any other emotion that you feel is not serving you or others then you know that it is time to use the Surrendering Protocol:
Step One
When an emotion or reaction surfaces that you do not like, ask yourself, “Do I want to get rid of this emotion?” If the answer is an enthusiastic, “Yes!” then the Surrendering Protocol will be very effective. If the answer is not enthusiastic then the Protocol will not work. The prerequisite for this to work is a genuine desire to rid yourself of the emotion and or reaction.
Step Two
If you had an enthusiastic “Yes!” response from step one then say (either mentally or out loud depending upon the situation) the following: “Dear Divine Mother (or whatever you call the higher power that is responsible for this magnificent universe that we live in), I Surrender this emotion to you. Please take it away so that I am free of it forever!”
For this to work, you must have the belief that there is a higher power that is operating in the universe. Breathe in deeply after saying this and then breathe out in a relaxed manner and let your body go limp. This will help you feel the expelling of the emotion or reaction by the Divine.
Step Three
Replace what you just Surrendered with the opposite. For example, if you just surrendered jealousy then replace it with happiness for the other person’s good fortune. Say (either mentally or out loud depending upon the situation) the following, “Divine Mother, please replace this emotion with (state the opposite emotion).”
If you can’t quite figure out what emotion is the opposite then ask for “peace of mind.”
Breathe in deeply after saying and feel this new emotion coming into you.
Step Four
Next, to permanently remove this from the mind, body and soul, we need to go deeper to find the real reason behind the emotion or reaction. Many emotions or reactions that are triggered within us have nothing to do with the situation at hand or the person that you are interacting with. Many emotions and reactions are stemming from early childhood experiences. We become traumatized as children and make Child Rules in response to the traumatic incident. These Child Rules continue to operate within us.
To get to the root we can ask the divine to show us, “Please show me, Divine Mother, what is causing this emotion/reaction?”
During this step, it is helpful to still the mind and not allow the ego to analyze or search for the root. Divine Mother will provide this insight to you,
This Highest Power will then feed you a memory, set of memories, or images, or even talk back to you as the Still Small Voice Within and provide you the knowledge as to where this trigger first came from.
Step four may have to be repeated multiple times to get to times to unveil the root. I will often ask divine Mother if the root has been revealed. If I get a “no” to that answer then I will asj again.
Step four may not reveal the root cause if the root cause comprises the following:
Cultural programming
For example, a man may feel anger if his girlfriend has had many male friends because his culture has a rule that women may only have female friends. It is impossible to communicate this through imagery since the limiting belief is invisible to the person as it is a part of the culture that has been accepted as normal.
Extreme physical and emotional abuse
For example, a woman was raped at a young age and has found this episode so traumatic that she has erased the memory. God has determined it best to not serve the memory to the woman because it would cause more harm than good.
Past lifetime trauma
Some experiences from past lifetimes are so traumatic, they are carried over into this lifetime along with the rules that were created with regards to the trauma. A common example is execution or torture because of religious views in a past lifetime that will carry forward into this lifetime with extreme fear responses when talking about spiritual issues.
If the root cause is not revealed, then accept that Divine Mother is withholding the root cause for the Highest Good Of All, skip step five and go directly to step six.
Step Five
Once you understand the root cause of the emotion / reaction or you have accepted that Divine Mother is withholding the root cause then you must ask yourself again, “Do I want to get rid of this root cause?”
Step Six
If you had an enthusiastic “Yes!” response from step five then say (either mentally or out loud depending upon the situation) the following: “Dear Divine Mother (or whatever you call the Higher Power that is responsible for this magnificent universe that we live in), I Surrender this root cause and resulting Child Rules to you. Please take it away so that I am free of it forever!”
Breathe in deeply after saying this and then breathe out in a relaxed manner and let your body go limp. This will help you feel the expelling of the root cause.
Step Seven
Ask the Divine to replace what you just Surrendered with the opposite! For example, if you just surrendered a Child Rule that is “I will never talk to people.” then ask Divine Mother to replace it with a desire to start conversations with others. Say (either mentally or out loud depending upon the situation) the following, “Dear Divine Mother, please replace this root cause / child rule with (state the opposite understanding).”
If you can’t quite figure out what the opposite would be then replace the Child Rule with Divine Will.
Step Eight
If the root cause was created by you and others then you ask yourself, “Do I want to forgive the others and myself for creating this root cause?”
Step Nine
If you had an enthusiastic “Yes!” response then close your eyes and imagine seeing the other person and saying to them, “I forgive you for creating this root cause. May you have peace and love in your life. I am also sorry for the hate and bitterness that I held towards you. Please forgive me. I Love you. May Divine Mother Bless you.”
Now imagine seeing yourself in a mirror. Say to yourself, “I forgive me for my role in this root cause and resulting Child Rules. I Love me. God Bless Me.”
Step Ten
Now that you’ve cleared the emotion / reaction, the root cause and have forgiven others and yourself, then give thanks to the Higher Power that helped you. Say, “Thank you, Divine Mother for healing me. I Love you.”
Visualize Divine Mother. Ask for a hug and feel that hug! Give thanks for the hug.
Step Eleven
Lastly, focus away from the entire incident. Thinking about the incident may reopen the wound and you will be right back to the same emotion / response. Focus in on what gives you joy. This will put your awareness toward something that will lift your mood. An effective technique is to relax, relax, close your eyes and think of a memory of an incident where your heart opened. Ask Divine Mother to show a time where a loved one was so sweet and endearing that you heart opened with love.
Common heart openers are interactions with children and cute animals. Relive the memory and breathe in while focusing on the feeling of love that you feel in the heart area. Next open your eyes and look around while still holding onto that love feeling centered in your heart. Hold it as long as possible. If the feeling subsides, bring it back using the same technique. Do this throughout the day and find yourself more and more operating from a place of open hearted love.
A similar technique is the Quick Coherence Technique from the HeartMath® Institute is a great way to focus on Love: httpss://
Many times you will experience similar emotions coming back. This will cause you to doubt that this Protocol works. What is happening is that you most likely have had multiple root causes throughout your life that has led to the formation of identical or nearly identical emotions / reactions. If a similar emotion / reaction occurs again, simply perform the Protocol. It is not uncommon for many to perform the Protocol dozens of times per day. After 3 or 4 months of performing the Protocol on a consistent daily basis, you will discover that you are more peaceful, happy and joyful. This condition is the natural human condition without root cause emotion / reaction issues.
It may feel that the eruptions of emotions / reactions will never end. Testimony from many users of the Protocol assure us that the number of undesirable emotions / reactions will reduce dramatically after 3 to 4 months if you are consistently using the Protocol whenever an undesirable emotion / reaction occurs. For many, the time period of seemingly endless upsets can be much shorter, some achieve lasting peace and joy within a few weeks.
When the emotional upsets no longer occur with any severity, you have, most likely, healed your most traumatic past emotional upsets. What is left over are called minor upsets, biases, habits, and limiting beliefs.
I thank Divine Mother for the help in this process!
C. Louis Osburn