Damage to Puerto Rico today Credit: Jerusalem Post
I have to expand on what I said in an earlier post:
Someone begin planning the restoration of Puerto Rico so that we’re ready when the green light goes.
The same for other disaster areas.
The same for any area of the world where you see unworkability. Make it work. (1)
Yes, all of the above. Who is sitting on their hands out there, waiting for something to happen when there’s so much planning to be done?
I can think of twenty countries that need disaster or emergency relief right now. If we cannot actually begin distribution, perhaps we lightworkers could at least start making plans for their post-Reval restoration.
In accomplishing this, some lightworkers will choose to work in vertical networks and some in horizontal.
A vertical network is a distribution chain related to a specific area of the world’s unworkability and extending from donor to ultimate recipient.
A horizontal network is a cross-section of areas of the world’s unworkability, which one offers a service to or participates in congress, conference, or other gathering.
Oxfam might be an example of a vertical network. The Lightworkers Congress might be an example of a horizontal network.
Once the green light of the Revaluation is given, our work begins. What is that work? I only have my own view. That view is twofold.
The first is to make the unworkable conditions in our world work; that is, to create a world that works. That’s the foundation for the rest. As Vivekananda reminded us long ago and I agree, let’s put a working world in place before we ask anyone to consider matters of the spirit.
And the second is to take that foundation of a working world and build upon it the superstructure of a world that loves. Now that’s a city of light!
A working and a loving world is our intended outcome.
Oh, yes, you know me by now. You know I don’t mean ordinary, everyday, romantic, or even parental love (although the last one is closest), but I mean a higher-dimensional love than we are used to. It’s truly out of this world.
Well, permanently accessing it constitutes Ascension, the Company of Heaven tell us. Here’s Michael making the point:
“Ascension … is the elevation of your being into an entirely different, higher, expanded realm of heart consciousness.” (2)
That higher, expanded realm of heart consciousness is the state one ends up in after the torrent of love that follows a heart opening. Not a physical torrent. A spiritual torrent. In that state, we want to serve.
And with accessing that state, we become well able to build Nova Earth, Michael tells us.
“And with that [come] the attendant abilities to create, co-create and bring forth Nova Earth.” (3)
Building Nova Earth becomes easy and enjoyable, an unfoldment, an experiment in loving others.
The first stage of it – building a world that works – can’t be done without a monumental amount of higher-dimensional love from lightworkers.
Mother has promised the world a massive heart opening. Lightworkers will know what to do with that higher-dimensional love, as we pass in and out of the Ascension portal with each dip in the lake of real love.
Of most things I can think of, love does not need to come with a user’s manual or even a “help” screen. If we survive the shock of finding ourselves suddenly in it, once accustomed to it, love is self-explanatory.
You’ll just want to serve, if even just to radiate love.
At present we have lightworkers lovingly serving to build a world that works. But the hundredth-monkey effect has not happened yet. What the Company of Heaven calls “entrainment” has not yet occurred. It may occur before we complete a world that works. Or it may occur after.
But at some point, something triggers it – some terrible global disaster or mass campaign or inspirational event – and entrainment happens. A world that works transforms itself into a higher-dimensional world that loves. I think that will constitute the final act in our Ascension.
Creation of these events starts with envisioning or dreaming. Then comes intending. Then comes taking action consistent with the dream, thus drawing it closer to us. Creation is the result.
I’m dreaming of a world that works. I’m dreaming of a world that loves.
My writing about them is my consistent action.
By the Universal Law of Intention, we’re realizing the fruits of our intention to create a loving, working world.
By the Universal Law of Attraction, we’re drawing that world to us.
(1) “Sanat on Activating the Flags of Self-Worth,”
(2) “Archangel Michael: Being, Knowing, and Sharing the Love,” Oct. 27, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/archangel-michael-being-knowing-and-sharing-the-love/.
(3) Loc. cit.