This morning, there was a message in our inbox from a lovely friend that you may recall has written for us before. She brings up something that frankly, I think, is on most everyone’s mind to one degree or another, so I’ll share the exchange ~
Hello Suzanne,
I thought about you this morning and wondered how you’re feeling, and if you too are being squeezed and pushed into a very tight corner.
It seems to be relentless. We feel the intensity, panic and feel the fear consume us. We sit and meditate to find the hidden message. We pull another thread to unravel a deep pattern. We think “this must be the last thread to pull apart the whole tapestry that has blocked us from seeing clearly and manifesting the life we so richly deserve.” And then nothing happens.
Last week I meditated for many hours, late at night, connecting to the power and clarity of the heart. I saw that there were patterns in my life from both parents, relating to lack, fear of losing it all, not having enough, not being enough, withholding love and money.
I saw that it stretched back to the time of Atlantis when we had it all and lost everything – the guilt, the shame, the power, the abuse of power, the withholding, the bargaining, the conditions.
Yesterday I sat down again to dig deeper and I saw that my pattern when faced with a difficult situation has been to resist, fight, oppose, withdraw love, shut down and flee. So I did the opposite: I relaxed, expanded my heart, called in more love, and remained present. I asked my heart: what am I to do now? I sense: love, peace, and trust. I feel the power of my heart. I sense the integration and alignment with higher dimensions through the portal of the heart center.
And yet, nothing changes on the physical plane and the rent is overdue and the bills need to be paid.
What more can we do? Where do we turn now? I felt sure we had the power to manifest the lives we want to live, abundant and free, unleashing our talents and gifts to the world to be acknowledged, valued and appreciated. I felt sure that we are here to create Heaven on Earth for all life to be abundant and free, to integrate the spiritual and physical into One – something we have never done before without the death and rebirth process in between.
I see it so clearly and feel it to be true, this new world of love, peace, freedom, abundant, joy, respect, unity across all the kingdoms and all life. But how do we manifest it into form. Can someone please help?
Hi Jenny,
It’s more or less the same for me, except somehow I’ve been able to fend off seizing up over it.
Possibly because of the guidance I was given many months ago to not think too much, be in the moment and trust my ass off.
I’m seriously sticking to that while I wait. It’s hardly passive waiting, either. As you noted in your message …we’re doing everything we know how to do. We’ve pulled out our tools and we’re using them.
We strive on a daily basis to be all that which God so desires us to be. But are we really? Are we truly willing and able to relax back into the arms of the Divine while the world around us disintegrates and our financial survival feels so precarious and uncertain?
Sigh…I honestly don’t know what else to do but to live my life as an anchor and conduit for Divine and Cosmic Love and energy. When I pray for anything for myself, it also goes out that the Gaian Collective experience that as well.
It matters what we do. It may not appear on the surface that it does but my entire being is caught up in this unfolding. Giving this next thought any power at all would be counter-productive – “What if it’s all a lie? What if all the channeled information is just an intricate trick to get us to do or feel whatever?”
In my world, that is the lie. I believe in the shift, the ascension of Gaia and Humanity. I believe that Humans are unique in creation and that we matter a great deal. We haven’t been this far to get tossed off the cliff.
And if we do end up going over the cliff it’s because we hurled ourselves over it in complete trust that our wings will appear when we need them.
It’s not an easy thing we’ve been tasked with, this keeping the faith. I have plenty of things that need money to address and I haven’t got a plan B.
Although I did recently have an interesting thing happen. A dear friend met her soul mate on FaceBook and she is currently in Italy to meet with him and go shake up the Vatican. She says, “When you know, you know,” and she’s asked me to officiate at their wedding.
So I got online and became ordained…and to be honest it feels so right and perfect to be performing marriage ceremonies.
Before any of that happened though, I’d been tasked with writing a post asking for subscriptions. I don’t imagine that anyone actually enjoys having to ask for money and I’m no different.
We’ve already discussed the value of this blog and how it’s commercial free, as are the radio shows. Anyone browsing the internet or listening to other shows knows very well how irritating pop-ups can be.
We share articles that we feel to be in alignment with the highest good of all concerned and in the name of the Light. Not to mention Steve’s commitment to writing every single day about things that matter to us all. We do strive to create a sacred space for people to come to for empowering ideas and heartfelt inspiration.
Working here has been quite the expansive experience for me. Everyone does their job without need of supervision, and, when we have any kind of personal issue, we work it out and communicate respectfully until everyone feels heard and understood.
When I was at the Agartha to Humanity Symposium, I met a man who works for another popular blog. They’d been experiencing infighting and sniping among themselves and, when we discussed our respective blogs and how we communicate, he said that we at the Golden Age of Gaia were operating “above the radar.”
I like it.
I never have to pretend to be anything other than what I AM here, and it serves me in my interactions everywhere else because I have that evidence now.
My inspiration while contemplating how to write a post to generate subscriptions carried in some surprising ideas. Readers of this blog and listeners of Heavenly Blessings know me well enough…what if I put it out there that I’m available on an independent contractor consulting basis to intuit what needs doing in whatever situation?
I’m making myself available for other work besides what I do now that’s in alignment with who I AM.
So this is me, stepping into my Divine Slippers, ready to officiate at weddings and to co-create a truly abundant and prosperous world for everyone.
Love and Light…
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