Fear of a punishing God
I love it when you send in your own systematic views of things. “L” sent along her expansion of my self-commands to show where they really derive.
Beautifully done. Invaluable reminder.
Once again feeling prodded to send you this message.
Ok, here goes….
I’m not heard…. ( need attention ) = God isn’t hearing me
They don’t care… ( need attention ) = God doesn’t care
Life is cruel… ( victim consciousness ) = Unworthy of Gods love
Nothing ever last… ( abandonment ) = God’s love is temporary, ( wont last )
Hitting my head…. ( Fear of failure ) = Fear of failing God
I cant do this… ( Fear of failure ) = Fear of letting God down
This is a waste of time… ( Fear of failure ) = Fear of letting God down
I hate being manipulated… ( Fear of betrayal ) = Fear that God will betray you, withhold love from you
I’m not safe…( Victim consciousness ) Fear that you cannot trust God
I’m all alone… ( abandonment ) = God is not there for me
I don’t deserve love… ( unworthy ) = Not worthy of God’s love
I’m not wanted… ( abandonment ) = God doesn’t want (love ) me
I’m on my own.. ( separation ) = I’m separate from God
I’m glad to be finished… (Fear of not being able to complete mission= Fear of letting God down and not receiving God’s love
I’m free… (desire to be free of the illusion)
This is futile… ( Fear of letting God down )= God punishing you if you let God down. ( This stems back to your father and also your mother. The fear that you let them down and you were punished.
I’m not interested in money… ( I’m unworthy of money (love) I believe in lack ) = God sees me as unworthy and undeserving of money ( love)
I don’t know how…. ( fear you are unable to complete mission ) Fear of letting God down and being punished, fear that God will withhold love. ( this also goes back to your father.’ ) ( when you do wrong, love was withheld )
You won’t take no for an answer… ( wanting to be heard, wanting attention ) = Wanting God to hear you and give you attention
You have to keep up your guard.. ( Fear that you are not safe ) = Fear that you cannot trust God to take care of you
You can’t trust anyone… ( Fear of being betrayed )= Fear that you cannot trust God
Many on this list cross over. I also use the term God, you can substitute the term you feel comfortable with – the Divine, Universe, Mother, Father, One.
The issue with money goes back to not feeling worthy or deserving of money. That is why you push it away.
Take a look at the word love and sub it for the word money.
You don’t feel worthy or deserving of Love so you push it away.
When you pull this issue back to the core, you don’t feel worthy or deserving of God’s love so you push it away
We are also always trying to please God, doing the “right thing” to prove we are worthy and deserving of God’s love.
But never feeling good enough, so we keep trying and trying, but only left feeling separate and unworthy.
Yes, I also LOVE affirmation work.
A few I like……
I am love in action.
I am in unity and harmony with the Divine.
I am Divinity in action.
I am loved in each and every moment.
I am worthy and deserving of Gods love.
I am Love.
I see and feel the love in everyone and everything.
I am blessed beyond measure.
I am loved beyond measure.
I am grateful for all of the love in my life.
My life is filled with joy and peace.
I am filled with peace and love.
I trust myself
I trust the Divine.
Steve, I am not going to proof this, as I need to get moving, have an appointment.. so forgive my typos.
Have a blessed day!