“All is Back to Normal on the East Coast of FL” by Jo Ana – 9.12.17
Just wanted to thank you all again for your prayers.
In the greater Daytona Beach area, we lost power and internet for only 20 hours starting Sunday evening at 9m until 5pm on Monday evening. The outside temperature was very moderate during the outage so the house never got warmer than 82 degrees.
When you consider that millions of Americans were glued to the tube watching mainscam media showing images of violent hurricanes (probably b-roll) for 5 days or more, anchoring in the probability of a very dangerous storm, and yet the minority of us who prayed and held images of a quieter storm and avoided the televised negativity managed to create just exactly what we envisioned.
I woke up this morning to a cool, clear dry Florida morning with the supermarkets, Home Depot, restaurants and banks open just 20 hours after the tail end of the storm named Irma. It occurred to me that 10-20% of our population using prayer and positivity whipped the butts of the 80-90% of our population who were committed to their beliefs in a total disaster in FL based on their addiction to mainslam media.
I am really pumped by the victory the Light achieved over the geo-engineered storm created by cabal darkness. I hope and pray that this is just the beginning of a battle already won by the Light over the deep state.
So again, thank you so much for your prayers and good thought!