Many are wondering about the storms taking place around the world. Irma in particular is on the minds of those in the U.S., and there have been many theories put forth as to their origin.
Who can say for sure? My feeling is that the accurate story is about the naturally occurring energies right now having been amplified by HAARP-like technology situated in Antarctica.
Obviously there are many ideas about how the strongest hurricane ever recorded could exist much less be followed by another one right on it’s tail.
Here’s the thing…a storm has consciousness. Natural ones are made up of things that we all love completely. Water is what our bodies are largely made of, and who doesn’t appreciate a nice clearing wind from time to time? They’re powerful elementals.
Think about these storms as things possessed. You know how we’re being encouraged to embrace the Oneness and see ourselves as a collective? What if these storms are elemental beings, and part of our collective that have been made into something they aren’t?
Yes indeed, Mother Earth is undergoing a cleansing and a shaking off of the old…all true.
What is also true is that the old paradigm perpetuators just don’t want to take their lumps and come along quietly.
But guess what? We as a collective have grown and shifted and expanded quite a lot recently. Just have a look at the plethora of group meditations around any number of things that we’re actively shifting together.
How about when we do our energy work on these storms, we also perform an exorcism of sorts? I’m serious.
How about we create, either individually or along with others, a ritual to dis-possess these storms of any interference with their natural state. It doesn’t need to be elaborate at all.
Ritual space can be set up with material things like candles and symbols, or it can be set up with pure intention. Be the Shaman that you are and call up your old indigenous soul…you’ll know what to do and how to clear these elementals of their demons.
My friend Maria lives on a barrier island on the east coast of Florida, and she opted to stay as long as her elderly neighbors were choosing to remain in their homes. That was, until mandatory evacuation was ordered.
How unfortunate that Georgia and South Carolina closed their roads before people could actually leave the peninsula of Florida. People spent 9 hours trying to get out, only to turn around and go back home to a barrier island where they’re now stuck for the duration. The draw bridges are no longer working.
I can’t think of a more opportune time for us to use our laser like focus on sending peace and love to Irma, and/or the storm or event of your choice. The dark stuff doesn’t do well with high frequency…