Blossom: Welcome, once again, my friends. Someone inquired as to why you hadn’t mentioned the solar eclipse? I wondered if it was me, as I really hadn’t given any attention to it at all. Yet, surely you don’t need me to be into something, in order to bring it up? What would you say about it? For I have since looked into it a little and the internet is a buzz with it.
Federation of Light: Firstly, welcome to you, also. That which has taken place is what you would term ‘phenomenal’ and yet … it would seem that much has been ‘added’ by many, in regards to events and occurrences, that we would suggest is merely propaganda, fear mongering and absolute nonsense!
We have spoken of intense Energies that have been filtering into your stratosphere and affecting Energies of the individual and The Whole. These Energies are assisting you in lifting your spirits and cementing that which YOU KNOW TO BE TRUTH within your Being. Therefore, allowing you to continue to further your education in the school of life.
We would suggest that the crux of this astrological turn of events is to ‘turn the page’ into a new beginning of understanding.
As these Energies solidify and become more natural within your Being … you will find your Being to be so much more in tune with that which makes sense to your soul. In that, for so long have you questioned the why’s and what for’s of your existence. The reasons for your world seeming to be utterly topsy turvy and yet, you are moving into a time that allows you to receive these answers. For your entirety of self begins to flow forth in a way that makes understandings FEEL so much closer to home. For indeed they are.
A little more detail please?
The months that lie ahead, in particular the next three or four or so … keeping in mind that all things will flow according to how the flow is flowing … will bring about a consistency that proves to the self that there is so much more to the self than one had been allowing in.
You have offered prayers up to the ALL KNOWING in the hope that you can find your way out of the darkness that one has found themselves overcome with, at times … and asked for the way to be shown … not just for the self … yet, for all. You have selflessly opened your heart out to the world in which you live and desired for its Greatness to be shown.
Dearest souls, each year, has seemed to you to be more or less the same in these matters of Energies filtering through. One can FEEL the self …deep within … changing … and yet, on the surface … little seems to be making any difference.
The times of ‘playing The Game’ at a certain skilled level are ceasing … and your Higher Beings are taking over.
We would make it clear at this juncture that it cannot yet be the fullness of self that enters in. That would be way ahead of its time … and yet … so much more that you know yourselves to be … will become obvious.
In what way?
In the noticing of synchronicities … Instant manifestations … Healings …
Which are already taking place for some.
For those who are aware of the FEELING of Gratitude of/for Being.
For that/this Dearest Souls, is the key that unlocks the door to the GLORY OF LIGHT.
If one were to concentrate and give honour for who they are … coming from deep Thankfulness for their very existence … they would find themselves conquering the negatives that tend to ‘hang around’ for the fun of it!
To FEEL Gratitude deep within the home space of the soul allows EVERYTHING to come into alignment. You do not need to ask for this and that … or for resolved circumstances or abundance in ways of financial upgrade … you simply need to remember who you are … FEEL who you are … and exude that Grace and Gratitude to the ALL THAT IS.
Watch then, Dearest Friends … how your life falls into place in the way you feel it should.
And with these happenings … you become aware that nothing else is required from you. You have never been asked to give more than that …
THAT … WHICH YOU ARE … sending out Gratitude for … ALL THAT YOU ARE.
There is no need for expletives … just THE OFFERING OF THE FEELING FLOWING OUT OF YOU INTO EVERYTHING ELSE. So that Gratitude, then becomes part of everything else and blends in to make everything else so much more aware of what Gratitude is/does.
To concentrate on this alone will change you and your world.
And because so many ARE becoming OF this … your world is indeed changing.
Notice as these days present themselves to you, how blissfully aware of Life itself you are becoming.
Everything will appear the same … and yet … feel and also appear totally different.
Do you need to correct that sentence?
OK … Carry on!
We are showing you a vision Blossom, of a few steps, three or four … and a long line of souls walking up these steps. This vision is filled with Light. Correct?
Correct. A distinct recognizing of many of us moving into a Higher Vibration.
Which is exactly what you are doing. These ‘moving’ times are to be FELT in a much deeper way than ever before.
With all respect, you have said that before and it hasn’t really been that noticeable.
Maybe you were looking elsewhere, Blossom?
Indeed. Yet, what is so different about this then?
The step up. You have for many years been ‘sitting within’ a certain frequency of a certain Vibration. You have settled into it and become familiar with it … as a repeat of what has happened before that.
This is how it is. This is how it works. Each time one reaches the ‘top’ level of THAT Vibration … there is a boiling point that one ‘bubbles around in’ for a while … feeling indeed, as if the lid is going to explode … THIS IS NATURAL!
BECAUSE … that is more or less what happens. The peak of that Vibration within yourself and those within that level with you (and there are many) has reached its entirety and HAS TO move on through to the beginning … the lowest level … of the next Vibration leading on from the last one.
This one, that so many of you are moving up to, naturally … for it does not take a rocket scientist to work this out … is Higher than the one you were previously in.
You have been working your way up the ladder if you like, and the rung that you are now on allows you to step off onto a platform/plateau that is the pioneering level of THE NEW WORLD.
As if … for want of a way of putting it … you have taken your KNOWING into an empty space … a space that has been waiting for you to arrive and … CREATE THE NEW WORLD.
You KNOW how it is to be. You have created it already. Now, you need to create it in the Vibration that it was created for!
An empty canvas, Dearest Creators … Awaiting you to pick up the brush … choose the colour and BEGIN!
Woah! I have the tingle of TRUTH running all over my body.
IT IS HERE NOW … NOW! This time you walk within … is the time to …
You KNOW within you what the painting looks like … What it FEELS like … and all one needs to do is recreate it … in one’s own reality.
Bring it out into the open … Bring it into fruition … BRING IT FORTH INTO CREATION.
I am sort of feeling/seeing in my mind’s eye … this huge empty space and many of us … just standing there … in Peace … and more and more step of the ladder and we unite our hearts. No words spoken … Just knowing that ‘WE HAVE ARRIVED’ in OUR NEW WORLD and it is time to BEGIN. Tears flow as I feel and look upon this vision. I am so emotional right now!
Because it is your soul’s way of telling you this is TRUTH.
Blossom and all who find themselves ‘there’ … WELCOME TO YOUR NEW WORLD!
Thank you. I just took a few deep breaths … and here I am … sitting in the same place as I was before I started this communication with you … and yet … within me … I FEEL different. I FEEL excited, encouraged and ALIVE.
As these days dawn willingly, to partner you along your journey … how blessed you will FEEL … to the point, sometimes … of overwhelming exhaustion.
Exhaustion? Really?
REALLY. For it shall take time to adjust to the change in atmosphere. Even your very breath will be LIGHTER … for the very air that you breathe is becoming LIGHTER, also.
Couple this with the fact that your bodies are joining in the dance … and this would explain the ‘now and then’ necessity to have large rests and deep sleeps in order for these ‘plans’ to integrate with the reality of what is taking place.
THE JOY. THE JOY. THE JOY that you shall experience shall make you laugh out loud … with others and on your own … for that which you have been expecting … was totally unexpected!
Add to the mix of ALL OF THIS … the fact that due to this continual Higher Vibration that you are residing within … IT … by natural affect … will bring about those little secret yearnings of ‘presentations’ on a much LARGER HIGHER scale of ‘little green men in tin vessels’!
LAUGH! WOW … your humor has come on in leaps and bounds over the years.
With your help, Blossom!
Blossom, Blossom, Blossom … Things that now seem very out of the ordinary, shall become very ordinary … very acceptable and very agreeable.
Look at the changes your planet has accepted over the last century. Things that were once science fiction only … are now averagely normal. It was once known to be ridiculous for one to even imagine … that one could chat to another face to face from opposite ends of the sphere and yet, now it is considered frustrating if it’s not working as well as it should and the picture is not as clear as a bell!
Imagine then, what is to come in ways of technology that shall astound, yet indeed, simplify means of travel, for instance. To name but one.
Go on … name but two …if you would?
What for?
Incorrect transference of thought?
Not at all. ‘Inheritance’ of all that is to be bestowed upon you … bequeathed to you as your birth right. Graces, talents and skills that as yet, are not thought of … until they are ‘inherited’ … from your Higher spontaneous self.
Such fun lies ahead.
Life was not originally designed to be as hard as many of you make it. Yet, within THE GAME … the experiment … the experience … as a collective … you changed the format and made it so.
Memories of ‘how it should be’ … ‘how it once was’ … ‘how it will be’ … will come flooding back, as if a damm has been unblocked and inspiration and incentive rushes forth into the ever flowing stream of that which you chose to partake in.
Dearest souls … Dearest Blossom … this day, we leave you … feeling as excited as excited can be.
Thank you so very much. This was indeed a very uplifting chat … and I am in much Gratitude that it took place. Signing off now … as I skip through the rest of my day. In Love, Light, Laughter and an Abundance of Golden Rays.
The Federation of Light: August 24, 2017, channeled by Blossom Goodchild at
Source Link: Blossom Goodchild: Federation of Light