Blessings Beloved Light Tribe
This is a brief update since the August Gateway passage is not yet complete. It has been a busy phase for us, and the Solar eclipse was a very unique shift in consciousness – on both Global and Galactic scales.
A more complete update will be posted next week. Kindwhile, here are some observations on this transdimensional event:
– Receiving the Christed Crown: This was palpable for me. Active needle-like sensations on the crown, with bright auras of light around the head during and after the eclipse.
– Plenty of High-Heart thymus fluttering, heart opening during the eclipse peak as well. Absolutely blissed out and transfixed by the end of the Gateway focus.
– My Higher levels advised mid-eclipse: *Some of these frequencies can only be integrated in sleep state. They are too strong for the grounded consciousness to comprehend, and the cellular structure will need to undergo transformation from the convergence.*
– The light rays beaming the Ascension column brightening and expanding to merge several dimensional expressions. Gateways to the New Earth consciousness experience opening, brightening.
– The deep peace of zero-point stillness as the Cosmic Stargates converged, which continues to deepen. The sensation is a merging with Source-level through the Heart; stronger than any heart activation or connection I have felt before. Again, it feels out of time-space dynamics.
– Visions of the eclipse path lighting up and distributing the activations through the New Earth grids, sacred sites, and HUman heart grid. From point to point along the path, to every crystal placed by a Gridworker around the globe, everything lit up like stars. Ancient encodements activated through the crystal beds and aquifers. The crystalline grid jumped to another level as well; it, and my Higher Team, looked as brilliant-crystalline as Solaris during the eclipse. Yes, I glanced directly at it for a second, a few times, without the glasses. Pure Diamond-Photonic Light.
Cosmic Stargate Convergence: Trinity Gate Activation
This was brilliant to witness during the eclipse. I hope other Gatekeepers were cognizant of this unfoldment. Three stargates converged during this Solar eclipse passage (see last week’s article on Convergence of Stargates.) This trinity reflects the Trinitized beingness; the Divine HUman experience of reunifying with the Christed state of consciousness. As Solaris transforms to change the prismatic effect which expresses our realities, our Solar Heart Centers and energy fields transform to match the vibration of New Earth.
These Cosmic Stargate flows unify to rewrite consciousness into a higher level of awareness. This is our dimensional-shifting, Universal-rewriting light codes, and they look both new and somehow familiar to me in visions.
These heavily encoded light sequences defy time dynamics, which emphasizes the message of sleep-state integration. You won’t be capable of processing the codes and frequencies of these stargates with the mental level. Because this is DNA-related, transmutation of the cellular structure is necessary to level up. Remember DNA is a strong factor in shifting dimensions.
The August Gateway is quite a jump in frequency and experience, similar to the timeline division earlier in the year. Note the calming effect of the higher timelines and these dimensional-shifting light codes. As always, Let the Light do its work.
Magnetics are amplified again; parent your thoughts, words, deeds and creations to align with the highest trajectory, you highest desired outcome. Visualize Global Ascension; we are raising as many as possible with these new frequencies.
SUNday Unity Meditations
We continue to build our spiritual strength through this unified field of Divine Love. The Divine Cosmic Mother energies are stronger than ever. Let us unify with this infinite energy field of Divine possibility and amplify our Ascension. Join us on SUNday for our Global Unity Meditations at 8:11amPT, 11:11amPT and 5:11pmPT. Details and the guided Christ Light activation meditation can be found HERE.
I AM still camping on Mount Shasta; it has been a perfect passage to be out on Gaia, immersed in the energies and experience of the August Gateway. Apologies if I have not answered your emails; I have been offline and will catch up next month. Blessings and gratitude to all for your Service to the Light!
In Love, Light and Service,
“Trinity Stargate Convergence,” by Sandra Walter, August 24, 2017, at
Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution