August 24, 2017 ~ Suzanne Maresca and Linda Dillon welcome Mary Magdelene to the show to discuss the further anchoring of the Divine Feminine.
Our guest made clear that this is about all of us, no matter our gender or sexual orientation.
The Solar Eclipse earlier this week was an electro-magnetic surge in tandem with the Mother’s Tsunami of Love.
Airs every second Thursday at 4pm PT/7pm ET
There is no call-in number
We’re allowing the Divine Feminine to sweep through us, correcting the imbalance in our hearts and beings.
Tune in for a discussion on the birthing of a new reality onto our planet.
Heavenly Blessings is a show in which we join with the Council of Love to share gifts, blessings, stories and insights through meditation, channeling and conversation. This show aims to assist individuals on their individual journey and also to build support and mutuality with the inhabitants of earth, the higher realms, and with our star brothers and sisters.
Music: Sasha Lazard, Angeli and Snatam Kaur, Long Time Sun
Linda’s website ~
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