This is a list of celebrations and mass meditations taking place on the Solar Eclipse, Aug. 21, 2017.
Some are scheduled for 11:11 am. But I believe the solar eclipse starts for the West Coast at around 10:15 am. Perhaps Google and check for you area.
The list will be added to as others are identified. Please send us your links as well.
You remain responsible for doing your due diligence and making sure that the event is bona fide and not simply a money-maker.
Arcturian Eclipse Alignment Meditation
Sue Lie and the Arcturians
Free Attendance for All!
August 21, 2017
9:30 AM Pacific
11:30 AM Central
12:30 PM Eastern
Dial In to the Conference (United States): (515) 604-9038
Access Code: 932471
Click the Link for International Dial-in Numbers: httpss://www.
Join Online Meeting:
Online Meeting Link: httpss://join.
Online Meeting ID: suzannelie123
Join us as we align in unity consciousness in preparation for the eclipse energies.
Online: To join the online meeting, click the online meeting link and follow the prompts.
Phone: At the scheduled date and time of the meeting, you can join via phone by dialing in to the conference line. When prompted, enter the access code followed by hash (#).
Can’t Make It Live?
Feel free to perform one of my Eclipse Meditations
on your own time.
Join Quan Yin live at the height of the powers of the Eclipse!
August 21st: Solar Eclipse Global Unity Ignition with Quan Yin As channeled through Laura Lee Lizak
It is time for all light workers to create planetary enlightenment fully in our experience.
Let us join together in magnificent support and acceleration of planetary transformation!
About the Solar Eclipse Global Unity Meditation, August 21, 2017
In Person in Sedona: 10:15 am til 12:30 Arizona & Pacific Time
By Phone: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Arizona & Pacific Time 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Mountain
12:30 pm to 2:30 pm Central 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Eastern 7:30 am to 10:30 am Hawaii
11:11 AM [10:11?] Pacific is the moment of the maximum of the Solar Eclipse, and of the global synchronized meditation.
We as light workers can accelerate the Pleroma powers into and throughout our planet, with a unified field of intention.
If a critical mass of 144,000 individuals join together in this support system, we will catapult our Earth into tremendous transformation.
Many networks of light workers are joining forces for this event.
Please add your light and your network into this event.
We are magnificently powerful together!!!!
On the 21st, Ascension Platforms is facilitating a global transmission in Dubai (UAE) that will also be broadcasted live online.
And, we would be honoured to join your planned celebration/global meditation list.
* Event Detail here: httpss://
We All participate to the higher shift in consciousness, and we focus Now on its expansion and acceleration.
Ascension Platforms is a high spiritual educational channel led by Self-Mastery Mentors, Wayshowers, Galactic Channels, Gridprogrammers and Alchemists.
If you require further information, details or communication it would be a pleasure to exchange further.
Together we send our Signatures of Unity, Love, Harmony and Enlightenment along the path of the Gaia Ascension on the New Earth.
With Love and high Crystalline Light to you All,
Mathilde Lumiere and YogiGeorge SunRa
Pre-Solar Eclipse Activation/Experiential Journey
Sunday, August 20, 2017
5:00PM Pacific / 6:00PM Mountain / 7:00PM Central / 8:00PM Eastern
Please Respond Only To:
Email: Maureen@maureenmoss. com
Acceleration energies have been mounting day upon day. On August 21 an unleashing of the maximum amount of intervention and acceleration codes of enlightenment allowed and needed to initiate an enlightenment phase of the Heart and reset the consciousness of humanity will occur.
To be the most receptive conduits able to receive and ground these amplified, undiluted God/Source codes in the clearest manner possible through your sacred heart, in your body, and engaging all of your Higher consciousness, I have been clearly prompted to initiate this process on Sunday, August 20, 2017.
I have also been clearly informed that as we gather, from around the world, in this powerful Unified Field one day in advance, you will experience the streaming of these accelerated codes immediately.
On the following day of the Total Solar Eclipse you will then be well prepared and highly activated to be in greater service to Yourself, to Source, to All.
I look so forward to being with you in this span of time we have waited lifetimes for.
Click Here to Register
With Love,
Email: [email protected]
Corey Goode and Cobra call for an Eclipse Mass Meditation
The Meditation” is to be held 8-21-17 at 1111 PDT (0811 HST, 1411 EDT, 1811 UTC, 2011 Cairo time).
We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Monday, August 21th at 11:11 am [10:11 am?] PDT in Los Angeles. This equals 8:11 pm EET in Cairo, 8:11 pm CEST in Paris, 7:11 pm BST in London, 2:11 pm EDT in New York, 1:11 pm CDT in Chicago, 12:11 pm MDT in Denver and 2:11 am CST on Tuesday, August 22nd in Taipei.
You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:
(Instructions on the site.)
Serpent Mound Solar Eclipse New Moon Harmonic Convergence Peace Fest in Peebles, OH, Aug. 18-21, 2017
During a total solar eclipse Serpent Mound will be at 91% visibility – whenever the new moon swings directly in front of the sun and completely covers it – the sky turns suddenly from day into night, and stars and planets pop into view. What’s more, a total solar eclipse shows you the sun’s normally invisible corona. It’s a breathtaking sight!
SERPENT MOUND SOLAR ECLIPSE & NEW MOON AUGUST 19-21, 2017SCHEDULE (Dedicated to Chief Blue Star Eagle/Elk Man Sherwyn)
Friday, August 18 – Monday, Aug. 21, 2017.
Weekend of Bliss, Rejuvenation, Meditations, And Harmonic Convergence
Weekend of Bliss, Rejuvenation, Meditations, and Harmonic Convergence in the Sarasota Area, August 18-21, 2017
There are some amazing events happening in the Sarasota, FL area on the weekend of the Solar Eclipse! If you have been thinking of coming to Sarasota, THIS is a great weekend to come visit In5d!
Solar Eclipse Anchoring Light Meditation at The Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light- Special Global Meditation for the Solar Eclipse energies. Join In5d’s Michelle Walling and Gregg Prescott with their new partner Sharon-Elizabeth James in anchoring the light and the intent to use the solar eclipse energies FOR THE LIGHT TEAM (offsetting any nefarious intent) More info at: (Donations appreciated)
Location: 5041 Ringwood Meadow, Bldg, G-2, Sarasota, FL 34235
Dear Steve and Golden Age of Gaia Team
I have recently written a very powerful meditation and have received hundreds of personal messages from people all around the world who then requested for a video.
Here is the link for the meditation and video.
Please share widely and on your site if guided.
I wrote the meditation on the morning of the Lions Gate on 8/8/2017 and it is truly a meditation to be used daily!
It came through from my higher guidance.
In Joy and Light
Maria Nesa