Ours is a gradual Ascension, with sudden “spikes,” “frequency rises,” or “snaps.”
One of the ways we talk about what happens with Ascension is that we say we move beyond the veil.
What veil? The veil of forgetfulness and illusion that we agreed to don before coming here.
What have our sources to say about the dissolution of the veil and what lies after?
Let’s let them answer.
What do we lose by being behind the veil?
The Arcturian Group, 2013: Humans forget the peace and calm lived in on their home planets or in experiences between lives because when a soul chooses to incarnate he willingly accepts the veil of forgetfulness that comes with it. This results in lifetimes on Earth lived with no remembrance of who one really is. (1)
What’s the difference between life behind the veil and beyond it?
Albert Einstein, 2016: So, what you are beginning to perceive and experience, it is not merely a perception. It is an existence; it is a life; it is a frequency; it is a breathing; it is an in-out all; and you are seeing what is truly there. And what is there is everything. (2)
How far along are we with the thinning of the veil?
Archangel Uriel, 2017: That veil, that infamous veil is gone. It’s been gone for some time! (3)
Albert Einstein, 2016: The veil that so many have referred to – my gosh, that veil is tattered, torn, disappeared and it gets re-erected time after time; it is quite absurd. It is even absurd from my perspective! (4)
The Arcturian Group, 2013: Belief in the permanent reality of duality and separation is now beginning to dissolve as the immense amount of Light flowing to earth from many sources and from your own Divinity shines light on the shadows. We remind you of this because as you begin to experience more manifestations of what is real, the fruits of duality and separation will lessen–the inner is the outer. You will begin to observe more peace, calm, abundance, respect, joy, health and a sharing of all things because these are the reality, held in place by Divine law.
Mankind has been programmed to believe in lack, limitation , separation, and evil which has resulted in lifetimes involving selfish and cruel behavior on the part of any (even you dear ones, in un-awakened lifetimes) who would dominate others in the belief that they would have nothing unless they forcibly took it. The experience of duality was and still is for some, an important tool of evolution, but its time is finished for the awakening ones. (5)
Wanderer of the Skies, 2011: The veil between your world and the multitude of dimensions accessible to your Higher Selves is thinning beyond your ability to keep your third-dimensional delusions about what is reality. (6)
SaLuSa, 2011: The veil that has kept you this way is falling away, and as you draw more Light to yourself so you increase your degree of awareness. With it also comes the assurance that you can handle your own spiritual development. (7)
Hilarion, 2011: The veil between the dimensions is becoming much weaker and there are many instances of interplay between them. These are moments when some of you just shake your heads and think that you are experiencing a momentary aberration in your perceptual field and this is, in fact, what is actually happening. (8)
How can we be sure the veil will absolutely go?
Jesus, 2013: The veil that you wove to hide Reality from you … was not made to last. It is threadbare, and all the pests, blights, and infestations which have been eating away at it have finally brought it to the point of disintegration.
It is completely unstable, and what little balance you had managed to install within it is no longer viable. Consequently, it is rocking and tearing like a dilapidated hammock that is about to collapse and tumble you out. . . returning you home to Reality. (9)
How do we lift it?
Saul, 2010: Awaken … to lift the veil, disperse the mist, and leave behind the shadows to experience the glory of God’s divine Reality from which you have been hiding. (10)
Pleiadian Renegades, 2008: The trick is to let yourself peek behind the veil of forgetfulness as the winds of change tear it apart. The only thing you have to lose is the illusion of who you once thought yourself to be. What you discover, seeing through the eyes of love, is nothing short of divine. We assure you, it is the exact thing you have always hoped to see. (11)
Sananda, 2013: Push aside the veil that still lingers, made up of lingering fears and false beliefs and disappointment for unfulfilled dreams, and step out into the clearing to see that your dreams are there for you to realize. You just have to allow it to be so, dear ones. (12)
Sananda, 2013: Move aside the veil of your lingering illusion and see your world clearly for the first time. It is your norm now. It just remains for you to embrace it, dear ones.
The Glory of Creator is at your fingertips and you only have to allow it to grow in evidence for you. Sketch your intentions and dreams into the mist of this great Light that you are allowing to come forth from within, unleashed for your own betterment as well as for others.
The result is not always definitive, or concrete, but that is your old way of measuring things. The glory and change is in the breath of your newly felt Lightness of Being as you lift yourselves higher with thoughts and actions of Unconditional Love for yourselves and for others, as you bathe in that Light and Love as your natural habitat from here on out. (13)
The Arcturians, 2010: With the force of unconditional love emanating from your ATMA [Self], gently blow the veil away from the Portal to see the wormhole open, welcoming your entrance. You will not leave your body, for there is no leaving or coming when you resonate beyond time and space. To enter this Portal you must release your attachment to physical limitations and know that you are everywhere and everywhen.
As the current of your breath totally moves the veil of separation aside, the Portal is revealed in its full splendor. The circular shape morphs to remind you that this Portal is an alive Being. In fact, it is an element of your aliveness, yet independent from you as it is not limited to just you. This Portal is for every person, animal, plant and Being that is the body of Gaia. What you are experiencing is YOUR entrance to this infinite and Cosmic Portal.
The veil of illusion is completely removed now because you were/are able to believe that you deserve entrance through this passageway. What appeared to be water rippling over a mirror that reflected your light, is now revealed as a vast orb filled with liquid light.
The liquid light begins to slowly flow out of the Portal and onto your earth vessel. As the liquid light adheres to your physical form, you become the Portal, you become liquid light, and your consciousness and sense of self extends through the Portal while your earth vessel still remains in your mundane reality.
The illusion of separation between physical and consciousness is released, and you are freed from the perceived boundaries of your previous existence. You know that eventually you will return your sense of self to your mundane life even though you have never left it. You know that when you return, you will seem to forget this experience and become, once again, embroiled in the challenges of your third dimensional life.
But is it still just third dimensional? What about your body of liquid light that infinitely flows, dances, intermingles and communes with All That Is? Will you forget this experience? Will you just be physical? No, you cannot. You cannot return to the illusion once the truth has been revealed. You may temporarily forget the truth, but the illusion has been unveiled. The secret has been exposed and the truth is alive in your Being forever whispering to your sleeping awareness, I am one! I am a Being of liquid light.
Then, when you hear that whisper, you will see the light, feel the unconditional love that is absorbing into your every cell and atom, and you will remember! You will remember your SELF, and you will remember the Portal. You dont go through the Portal, for through denotes that a part of you leaves where you were to be where you are going. But, if you listen to the whisper of light it says, You don’t leave or come, for you are everywhere. There is no time. There is no space, There is only HERE and NOW.
You are HERE NOW because the distance between Light and Light is zero. You are physical/matter interacting and intermingling with spirit/light. The liquid of the light indicates that the Flow of the Light is zero distance for all the light. Hence, your third dimensional matter/self intermingles with your Light/SELF that is at zero point to ALL Light. This light flows like a liquid through the entrance of the Portal to commune with the light of your third dimensional self. (14)
(To be concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) The Arcturian Group, May 19, 2013, at https://www.onenessofall.com/Welcome2.html.
(2) “Albert Einstein: The Patterning of the Universe ~ Part 2,” at https://counciloflove.com/2016/01/albert-einstein-the-patterning-of-the-universe-part-2/.
(3) “Transcript ~ Archangel Uriel On Divine Authority, May 16, 2017,” Channeled by Linda Dillon, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/05/21/transcript-archangel-uriel-on-divine-authority-heavenly-blessings-may-16-2017/
(4) “Albert Einstein: The Patterning of the Universe ~ Part 2,” at https://counciloflove.com/2016/01/albert-einstein-the-patterning-of-the-universe-part-2/.
(5) The Arcturian Group, May 19, 2013.
(6) Wanderer of the Skies, Sept. 27, 2011, at https://wandererodtheskies.blogspot.com/
(7) SaLuSa, Aug. 8, 2011, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(8) Hilarion, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, September 18, 2011, at https://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2011.htm.
(9) Jesus via John Smallman, July 19, 2013, at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com.
(10) Saul, Nov. 6, 2010, at https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com.
(11) Pleiadian Renegades, “Echoes,” Dec. 4, 2008, at https://www.lightworkers.org/content/57940/echoes-pleiadian-renegades.
(12) “Sananda: Walk Forward Into this New Mist of Love That You Have Built Within You and Share It With The World Now,” channeled by Fran Zepeda, September 2, 2013 at https://www.franhealing.com.
(13) “Sananda: Feel and ‘See’ Yourself Walking Always In The Golden Light and Consider It Your New Home,” Channeled by Fran Zepeda, June 16, 2013 , ibid.
(14) The Arcturians, Awaken Now Newsletter, Feb. 16, 2010, from https://[email protected].