Laying the foundation for Nova Earth is seeing the value in community, demonstrating we can form and support a community.
Here at the Golden Age of Gaia, InLight Universal, the Council of Love, and the Hope Chest, our mission is to foster and grow our Gaian community in higher-dimensional ways.
Love is sharing, and in the balance of give and receive, this could be:
a short comment or note of gratitude to Contact Us, the Golden Age of Gaia
a request to the Council of Love Healing Teams or a request to the Hope Chest for monetary aid
a donation or monthly subscription to the Hope Chest for our fellow Gaians in need
a donation or monthly subscription to the Hope Chest for support of the editorial and technical teams
With connection, participation, we anchor heart consciousness, the Love, community.
In the higher realms there’s no isolation, separation, lack, limitation, or poverty.
In January 2015, the Divine Mother had this to say about Nova Earth and Loving supportive community, the focus being on each other:
“The creation of Nova Earth, which is what I bring in offering this day, does not begin merely by you being given millions of dollars and now saying, ‘I will build a crystal geodesic dome.’
“It begins with your hearts saying, ‘We are laying the foundation. I am demonstrating, I am showing that I can access and translate into physical form a community that I am part of, that I love, that I support.’
“And it is not merely to focus on us, on your star brothers and sisters, and the archangels. It is to focus on each other.” (1)
She says that if we focus on lack, our needs will not be met, that the key to our abundance, what the higher realms call equality or spiritual currency, is Love:
“If you create – because it is a creation – a mindset that you are not in abundance, that you are in need and lack and that your needs will not be met, then that is exactly what you are creating.
“If you come and explore and access and anchor, whether it is one dollar, or one million, or one billion, if you anchor this in ways that you may not understand, then you are anchoring into physical form.
“The key to this abundance, what we call equality, is Love.”
The Mother asks us where we are, if we are not in the balance of give and receive, if we are not sharing?
“If you cannot support your community, whether it is the Golden Age of Gaia or the person down the street, or the person who is homeless… if you cannot share your heart, your coins, then you are not on your path of Ascension.”
Inviting us to the most exciting adventure of our life, of many lives, She says:
“The key to Love is sharing, and if you are not sharing, if you are not in that balance of give and receive, then where are you?”
When we were children, we were taught to share, but the Mother says that “fundamental spiritual lesson” went awry. She entreats us to:
“Come to the Love and share.
“I ask of you — you share your hearts with Me every day — now share it with each other, beloveds.”
Embracing the Love, sharing, community,
we are gratitude for your participation.
The Hope Chest
The Council of Love
InLight Universal
The Golden Age of Gaia
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(4) If you have a question, please contact Karen at the Hope Chest:
Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for assisting us when our finances have reached such tenuous levels.
Note from Karen: If a reader wants to use a credit card for their subscription, it must be a card that is not hooked up to Paypal or it will automatically go through Paypal. Please use a separate card not associated with your Paypal account.
(1) “Transcript: The Divine Mother: ‘Welcome to New Time,’ channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, January 27, 2015, at