Someone is feeding me the idea, “the appropriate models for human behavior are the avatars.”
I wish I’d thought of that. I have to say I agree.
Avatara means descent of the Divine. A synonym is Incarnation of God.
We’re all ascenders, no matter what realm or kingdom we come from. Only an avatar is a direct descent of God the Mother, who is One with God the Father. (1)
The avatar is like a Babushka doll. There’s the human vessel, which is usually a person of undoubted spiritual merit in their own right. Then, in addition to all the other bodies, the innermost would be filled by a descent of the Mother. All avatars are incarnations of Shakti, the Holy Spirit, the Divine Mother. (2)
Examples of avatars? Ramakrishna is my favorite. If I were not writing this blog, I’d most love to write commentaries for westerners on the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna.
Jesus next. The Buddha. Krishna. I love all the Incarnations.
And of course we’re all Incarnations, but not in quite the same way.
Ramakrishna would say that there’s more Shakti in an avatar than in an ordinary person, more than any ordinary person could bear. His body wa said to be pure sattwa, which is the most refined cosmic force, vibration, or energy there is within the material realm.
Ramakrishna himself went through one advanced enlightenment after another, demonstrating all the divine conditions and ecstacies described in the Scriptures, where a few would have worn out any ordinary body.
He was so pure that he couldn’t touch money without burning himself. He had to douse his hand in Ganges water to calm it down again and purify it.
The number of stories I could tell from Ramakrishna’s life, and all I learned from endless readings of the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, I can’t estimate.
Jesus on the other hand put matters so succinctly that I doubt anyone has said them better or more tersely. My favorite story about him is the Zen master who read the Gospels and handed the book back saying, “This man is close to enlightenment.”
I and my Father are One. But he is greater than I. The Father is in me and I am in my Father. (3)
I came into the world from my Father; lo, now I return from the world to my Father. I’d call that a declaration only an avatar could make. (4)
Both Ramakrishna and Jesus had immaculate conceptions, virgin births. Both showed themselves capable of handling immense amounts of energy – Jesus in the transfiguration on the mount and Ramakrishna in some of the very-refined spiritual experiences he had.
The lives of the avatars were devoted to demonstrating to humanity what purity in behavior, integrity, compassion and the other divine qualities looked like.
So, yes, I agree. The appropriate model for us of human behavior, in case we need one – maybe we don’t – are the human Incarnations whose wisdom spawned religions – Lao Tzu, Bodhidharma, Thoth, Jesus, St. Germaine, (5) etc.
I have an itch I can’t scratch. I see it as clear as day that the movement in the next few years will be like a tidal wave of unity – of being sick of wars, sick of conflict, sick of competition, sick of conspicuous consumption. Sick of the entire way most of us live every day of a futile round of existence when it could be so much better.
“I just want people to get along,” I hear Kathleen say. Who was the neurosurgeon who said recently that the world would be at peace if everyone just behaved decently – that is, fairly.
Kindergarten rules. But what the situation requires.
We don’t even follow kindergarten rules in our societies. Our governments blow their own citizens up. They introduce epidemic diseases into the environment and withhold the cures. They make vaccinations that are toxic. On and on the sad litany goes. What’s wrong with this picture?
Simple. We don’t even follow kindergarten rules.
So, yes, a refresher course from the avatars – those Incarnations of God sent to model behavior to humans – is probably just what our situation calls for.
Just as there will be unity in the social and political fields, there will also be unity in the spiritual. And the example set by the avatars will at that point will feed the desire for peace, harmony, and unity.
Ramakrishna once said that one day his shrines would be all over the Western world. His mission was to preach the unity of all religions. Therefore where he goes, the whole company of masters goes, I’m sure.
For a list of the books of all enlightened masters known to me as of 2007, go here:
(1) The argument goes: The Father does not incarnate. When the Father enters the dream, we call him “the Mother.” The Father is passive; the Mother is active. The Father is silent; the Mother is sonic. It’s simply a teaching device, a way to go one more step up the ladder. But, in the end, words cannot hope to capture that Reality.
And the Mother has already confided that the truth is not as simple as that.
An example of one accepted spiritual viewpoint that may need to go is the view that there’s no movement in the Transcendental. The Transcendental is associated with the Father and the Father is still.
I’ve now heard from Ramakrishna and from Michael that there are gradations in the Transcendental and gradations imply movement. Years ago I heard Ramakrishna describe beings living in the Transcendental – in form even. I didn’t know what to make of it then, but I do now.
Our view of the Transcendental – beyond the Twelfth Dimension – may need to be revised.
(2) Archangel Michael confessed to Kathleen once that even he is still evolving and ascending. Who is not still ascending?
(3) The Father exists as the divine spark in the hearts of all of us. Everyone and everything exists within the Father, who is All.
(4) Ultimately we all came from the Father but not in this lifetime or any other than our first.
(5) Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry. He may have midwifed other secret societies.