Jesus said:
“When you join with your sacred partner, it is not just times two. In our world, in our reality, we tend to deal more with squaring, than multiplication. But what is happening is a squaring, a squaring of the energy.” (1)
I can certainly vouch for the multiplication. The “squaring” is a mite beyond my knowledge at the moment, but stay tuned.
Janine in the photo (above) is my idea of a master of sacred partnership. She’s promoting the Soul Charter School, “a beautiful learning center that teaches the children in a healthy way,” and sending her children there.
Apparently the teachers in the regular school system are also showing a great deal of interest.
My energy, my drive, my persistence – everything is multiplied as a result of sacred partnership. I can see why the Mother would say that sacred partnership with everyone on the planet, all the kingdoms and all our star family IS the Divine Plan.
Behind it of course is what I think will be an ongoing theme from now on – unification. The extent to which duality still has a grip on us is us watching one reality crumble and slip away and a second reality assert itself.
If we can watch the old world crumble from a place of neutrality to the negative and love to the positive, in my view, that’ll leave the least social residue. As I see it, we can be wild with excitement about the new world coming on and still bow to the old world going out.
I predict that “unification” will almost rival “love” as the most used word in these parts in the next few years. Viewed from any perspective.
One could view it from the perspective of the population of Earth having disentangled itself from the bonds of the elite. Some of the elite are ascending with us and some have left this planet to continue on another 3D world. Those of us left are now drawing together in love and peace. Unity.
One could view it from the absolute perspective. The goal of life is for us Children of God to learn in the school of the Mother and realize our true identity, after which the Mother takes us (back) to the Father. Unity.
At every stage of our journey from the Fifth Dimension on, the story will be one of increasing unity. (2)
I bet that one author and lecturer after another will be looking at how to promote it at every level.
Surrendering to the group or the team without needing to distinguish ourselves (i.e., selfless service) may be difficult for some.
But I think I can say, with a fair degree of certainty from my own experience, that the rising energies flooding this planet will make the transition one of minor rather than major impact. Everything is getting easier.
I saw this morning (yes, in the shower, where I do my best thinking) that the place I want to get to with life is “no resistance.” Kathleen’s practice of forgiveness is helping me quite a bit to achieve that goal. Also her stress on invoking the universal laws.
Also today, while riding the bus, I invoked the divine law of intention and asked the Divine Mother, Archangel Michael, Jesus, and St. Germaine to help me fulfill my intention to become a beacon of love. Following that I asked them to fill the bus with love through me. And I sat there with my eyes closed, radiating it.
The volume of the conversation on the bus went rapidly up almost to the point where a person might wake up to their neighbor or just wake up generally and not know what just happened or how it happened. I almost expected someone to say, “Why are we all shouting?” I awaited someone having a transformational moment and becoming consciously aware.
But I opened my eyes and got distracted by some sign outside the window and momentarily forgot what I was doing. When I returned, the conversation on the bus had stopped. And no one said anything about it or the fact that it had stopped.
That was a pretty concrete demonstration for me. There seems more to the universal laws than I suspected. I’m becoming a convert to the study of them. (But first, sacred partnership).
I find that I’m doing my work and taking each day as it comes, enjoying the steady flow of love that I feel. There are all sorts of financial concerns, but I’m content to leave that up to the Divine and just flow.
(1) “Transcript: Yeshua Discusses Relationships on Heavenly Blessings,” channeled by Linda Dillon, February 4, 2014, at
(2) While we’ll be uniting with some, we’ll be distancing ourselves from some other things – such as our vasanas, entrenched beliefs, and conditioned behavior. Some things cannot go with us. A general name for that would be our excess baggage, also known as our issues, records, rackets, acts, numbers, scripts, etc.