Today An Hour with an Angel follows up on a recent interview with Sue Lie and the Arcturians (to be posted, Saturday) on “synchronistic missions.” (1)
While, in that interview, the Arcturians talked about pre-birth existence on the ships and the contracts made and the business or intimate relationships planned, I asked the Arcturians to help us know what to do and how to do it now that our missions are starting to activate.
We talked about how everyone might have an opening of the heart aperture or hridayam. (2) We discussed how much the process of enlightenment depended on our efforts and how much the angels assist.
Airs every second Thursday at 4pm PT/7pm ET
There is no call-in number
They talked about the various downloads and resets we receive and the process of the expansion of consciousness.
Come join us for an engaging conversation about our common missions, synchronistic bonds, and enlightenment.
(1) “Perceiving the Unperceivable Part 1 @ Awakening with Suzanne Lie,” July 4, 2017, at httpss://
(2) An opening of the heart aperture results in a torrent or tsunami of love flowing. If permanent, it equals sahaja samadhi. If temporary, it results in a satisfying though moderate flow of love when drawn up from the heart.