Steve: While we’re looking at achieving equality here, Kathleen is looking at achieving balance on the, balance in the face of all dualities – male/female, love/hate, resentment/forgiveness, etc.
Ours is more activist; hers is more unfoldment.
The inner and outer reconciliation process that Kathleen is developing here involves forgiveness, apologizing, turnaround, etc. (I’m reminded of Ho’oponopono.) This is not theoretical with Kathleen; she actually practices it.
I’ve been encouraging her to ‘unpack’ the themes she touches on here.
Clarity and Balance: The Highest Vision
July 1st, 2017
Clarity is one of the components of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love.
Clarity helps us come to balance so that we’re able to hold the highest vision for All.
With clarity and balance, we understand and know Who We Are, Infinite and Eternal.
When I see someone in difficulty, I’m compassionate within and without.
Still I may be triggered by the situation. If I feel sorrow, I ask myself, “Why? How is this connected to the past?” And I enquire into it.
My false grids and core issues hold duality in place.
With clarity — which comes from letting go of my old beliefs and understanding my mental/emotional constructs — I find my centre, my balance.
With clarity, my wounding is healed and the healing flows out to everyone.
The clearer I am within, the greater the effect without, with everyone around me and around the planet.
Forgiving ourselves for everything within, without judgement, our reality in the without balances and heals: This is how we create Nova Earth.
Forgive within,
take actions to forgive in the without.
No judgement within.
No judgement without.
Gratitude within,
Gratitude without.
As within,
So without,
As above,
So below.
Heaven on Earth.
Everything is forgiven.
We are gratitude,
clarity and balance,
community and unity,
our highest vision.
Daily Meditation
8 minutes at 8PM
A Week of Balance
I invite you to join me for 8 minutes of meditation at 8 PM, wherever you are.
Welcome to A Week of Balance – as above so below, as within so without – in tandem with Steve and the Golden Age of Gaia, starting July 1st.
Every evening we’ll be encouraging all of us to bask in the Mother’s Tsunami of Love and the Peace of Archangel Michael, to create individual balance and thereby planetary balance, for 8 minutes (or longer) at 8PM, wherever you are on Gaia.
As we breathe in the Peace of Archangel Michael and the Mother’s Clarity, Purity, Grace, Wonder and Awe, allowing everything that is not of love to dissipate, may we come to even greater conscious awareness of our wholeness.
Archangel Gabrielle through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, has given us a rich discussion of gender inequality which Steve and I will be delving into throughout the week.
I will be exploring what is transpiring for me daily and the Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance with Sanat Kumara as we bask — consciously breathing — in the Peace of Archangel Michael and the Mother’s Love.
In my post, The Mother’s Dream, is a Global Invocation for Planetary Balance. I invite everyone to join me in holding the highest vision for our Nova Earth, our family.