Saint Germain: Close To The Crescendo
St. Germain via James McConnell
I AM St. Germain. And as always it is wonderful to be with you, to be able to share with you, to be able to experience with you, for many of you are dear to me, many more than you can know at this point. We have had lifetimes together, we have had experiences together. Those of you as I am speaking now know who I am speaking to. We have shared wine together, various social gatherings together.
I have always been a very social sort, always enjoyed a party here and there wherever it could be. As you have heard many times we are preparing a party, a celebration, beyond any celebration that you could even imagine yet at this point. Take the best party that you ever went to and multiply that hundreds of times over and you will have a beginning understanding of what it will be when you first connect with those of your loved ones that you long ago left or that they left you. You will have a reunion, a reuniting that will bring the energy up within you like you cannot imagine at this point. But it will happen. It is happening.
Many of you will experience the kundalini energy. You will experience the rising of this kundalini energy. It will happen at times that you are not even, will not even be prepared for. Yet it will happen. And when it does allow it to be. Let it move forth. Let it complete. This is the process, this is the ascension process that will bring this kundalini energy up within you and all will be as it needs to be in that moment.
I spoke to James earlier. I used the word ‘urgent’. He did not understand at that time why that word was used for it has not been used before. Normally it is a message from Sananda, a message from St. Germain, a message from Archangel Michael. But this time an urgent message; an urgent and timely message. And what is it that is so urgent, you might ask and I will tell you.
As you know everything is in flux now; everything is shifting. The cabal is coming down to their knees. All that was prepared, all that was planned for when those of us, what you call your forefathers, gathered in that day and signed that great paper, that Proclamation of Freedom. At that time we all knew what was at stake. We all knew what could be the result — both positive and negative — but we forged forth, we moved ahead. Some were afraid but they overcame it just as you your selves now must overcome those things which are in the process of happening. Not to be afraid but to move forth, to continue on.
For a shift is in the works now, a shift that has been spoken of many times. And this shift is going to change much. I speak now of those things which are just before and just after what is being called the event or the changeover. We prefer the term changeover because you are changing over from one paradigm into another. And this new paradigm is what was planned for that day back in 1776.
This was that time. This is that time now again.
No, there will not be a new signing of a document. There will be a proclamation or an announcement of a major shift in consciousness, in understanding and we are all now at that verge of what was begun long ago is now coming to fruition. It will now move everyone forward to a new understanding, a new level of consciousness and vibration that will take even the most cynical, the most questioning individuals and bring them forward also. No one will be immune to these changes. Everyone will be a part of it in some way within their own way but you are all going to be a part of it and already are part of it. Because as of this shift that I speak of now, you are already in the middle of that shift.
Many of you are feeling the energies, you are feeling the changes come over you. You are feeling your chakras coming alive. If you do not know it’s the chakras, it is. They’re coming alive again. Some of you are doing specific exercises to make this happen. But I tell you that it is already happening within all of you. Within your sleep state you are finding your selves on ships, you are finding yourself down in Inner Earth even if you are not yet remembering. That time is also coming where you will begin fully to remember those experiences as some of you already are.
This is a time and this was why the word ‘timely’, because you are right on the cusp. You are coming close to what Sananda calls the crescendo of all that you have been building toward. The full crescendo will be when the event, when the changeover fully develops. But up until that point you are working toward it and you are preparing to be the mentors to all those others that come after you.
You will receive mentors, yes, but you are becoming the mentors as well. You will be the learned ones you will be the ones that those coming after in the later waves of ascension will be looking toward. You will be the ones as Sananda speaks of to sit at those council tables if you are ready. This group is especially being prepared for this as well as others.
This is a special time, a special place, a special moment just prior to some major shifts in consciousness that are coming.
You hear of arrests. You hear of the cabal coming down to their knees and yes that is so. But we would never condone the extermination, the killing of your brothers and sisters even though they have done much and they would at a moment’s notice do harm to you. But you are not at their consciousness level. They must come up to your consciousness level just as you are rising to our consciousness to our vibration. I realize this has been long but it is necessary.
One more thing I speak of that is a continuation of what was started back in that day of signing of the Declaration: the reestablishment and the announcement of what you know of as NESARA and all that comes with it. But know that as you have read about NESARA or heard of it, it has shifted some as well. Some of the things have been taken out of it and others added to it and it will not quite resemble those things earlier that you read but it is a portion of that, a very strong portion of that. And it is an understanding that will bring this world, this planet to be ready to be received and receive those from above and below. It is a necessary part of this. But first this must be enacted. And it will be.
I appreciate your time, your efforts, your love, and your sense of oneness as you continue to remember who you are in the totality of you as the Creator Source within you.
I AM St. Germain. May the Violet light be always shining within you as you shine it out, outward as well.
All of my peace and love be with all of you.
Channeled: James McConnell –
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