Voice of Freedom.ca, May 28th, 2017
The Mother is encouraging us to bask in the gentle vibrations, the renewed resurgence of Her Tsunami of Love.
When we surrender to Love, we relax, and the vibrations in our fields expand with the increased frequency of the energies being sent to us.
Ashira helped us to understand time and vibrations when he spoke on Heavenly Blessings, April 2014:
“What you think of as time and what we use as time are different and this is part of the inter-dimensional shift, but your, what you think of as timeline — think of it in terms of a ruler — you tend to give yourself about three inches out of a foot and it’s very static. It is high/low, high/low, high/low.
“It is very staticky, whereas we take the whole ruler, the whole twelve inches and it is long, long, waves.” (1)
The frequency of the Tsunami of Love, the Tsunami of One, and the Galactics’ Porlana C is helping the vibrations in our fields expand into the longer wave pattern.
An amazing article, “Exploring Geographic and Geometric Relationships Along a Line of Ancient Sites Around the World” helps explain how the longer expanded wave pattern is being anchored on Gaia through the ancient sites.
“The Great Pyramid is aligned with Machupicchu, the Nazca lines and Easter Island along a straight line around the centre of the Earth, within a margin of error of less than one tenth of one degree of latitude. Other sites of ancient construction that are also within one tenth of one degree of this line include:
“Persepolis, the capital city of ancient Persia; Mohenjo Daro, the ancient capital city of the Indus Valley; and the lost city of Petra. The Ancient Sumarian city of Ur and the temples at Angkor Wat are within one degree of latitude of this line.
“The alignment of these sites is easily observable on a globe of the Earth with a horizon ring. If you line up any two of these sites on the horizon ring, all of the sites will be right on the horizon ring.”
“As the Earth rotates on it’s axis, the Equator remains aligned, but the line of ancient sites describes a sine wave as a result of its tilt relative to the Equator. The wave may also be visualized by drawing the line of ancient sites on a flat projection of the Earth.” (2)
On April 2, 2014, I was told by Archangel Michael in a reading with Linda Dillon, that I was with galactics working in pyramids and that the pyramids are inter-galactic portals.
K: What was the tunnel in the pyramid that I saw yesterday?
AAM: Oh you are doing some work with your galactic brothers and sisters with the pyramids. You know they are not exactly what they are thought to be, for they are portals. They are inter-galactic portals.
Ashira explains travelling inter-galactically, rejuvenation, and ascension using the longer wave pattern:
“And if we are traveling inter-galactically, it is almost a flat-line wave.
“So our existence, and our rejuvenation — well, we don’t age the way you do — is much longer because we know how to sustain ourselves, but also the whole framework within which we are operating is different.
“Now the human experience is shifting as you shift, as you ascend to the longer wave pattern.” (3)
Now what does that also do? The increased frequency and expanded vibrations help calm our emotional turmoil, those vibrational “spikes” that cause aging.
“What gives you the appearance of aging isn’t even the fact that you only took three inches.
“It is those spikes. It is the ego and the emotional turmoil — as well as what you put in your bodies, but we are not going to talk about that — that create the aging.
“As you begin to stretch it out, you begin to calm the emotional field. You begin to calm the ego.
“You calm the mental field, and you begin to rejuvenate.” (4)
A calmed mental field, with the longer wave pattern vibration, helps creates perfect well-being. Dis-ease becomes a distant memory.
Ashira talks to us of life-force and rejuvenation, especially with those of us who are lightworkers:
“Now, when you are also not putting poison in your body, which many of you have already adapted to, that creates a stronger life force as well.
“None of you who are on the planet were intended — Mother’s Plan, not ours — to age in the way that you do. This is simply not truth.
“So the rejuvenation is starting and you can see it in yourselves, especially you who are light workers.” (5)
We can claim our youth, just as we claim our Divine Authority:
“There are days that you are fifty and you look in the mirror and you say I look twenty today! Then there are other days when you say oh, I am back to fifty!
“But increasingly what you are going to do is claim the twenty.
“So it is also a matter of you claiming and utilizing what we would call the creation codes to simply revitalize your body.
“Now when you are in healing chambers that are … increasingly available to humanity, you can have rejuvenation treatments. So it is literally a reversal. It is a revitalization of all your organs including your skin, your hair, your body.” (6)
Ashira says we have the understanding, vibration, knowing, and frequency of inter-dimensional beings:
“You are already inter-dimensional. You already have the frequency and the vibration to be shifting inter-dimensionally. That has already been reached and it is a matter of bringing that ‘knowing,’ in conjunction with us, … and that ‘frequency’ forward so that people begin to use it and utilize it.” (7)
Expanded vibrations help us understand the Love of the Mother.
The increased frequency helps us know the Love of The Father, the I Am.
We are coming to balance with heart consciousness,
family reunion.
(1) “Commander Ashira: One of Our Questions to You Is, ‘Do You Love and Cherish Us?’” April 1, 2014, at https://counciloflove.com/2014/04/commander-ashira-one-of-our-questions-to-you-is-do-you-love-and-cherish-us/
(2) “Exploring Geographic and Geometric Relationships Along a Line of Ancient Sites Around the World,” May 1, 2001, at httpss://grahamhancock.com/geographic-geometric-relationships-alisonj/
(3) to (7) “Commander Ashira: One of Our Questions to You Is, ‘Do You Love and Cherish Us?’” April 1, 2014, at https://counciloflove.com/2014/04/commander-ashira-one-of-our-questions-to-you-is-do-you-love-and-cherish-us/