An oil rig is used to pump oil from the Earth.
In my opinion, oil rigs are obsolete. Free energy will power the home. Anti-grav will power our vehicles.
And we need to leave the oil in the ground anyways, to lubricate Gaia; that’s its purpose. (1)
No, these days, I’m thinking about a new kind of rig. It’s my latest invention.
Under Universal Patent No. 182726, I’m releasing a new device, gifted to me by a source who prefers to remain anonymous. I call it a “love rig.”
If you strike paydirt, and love is flowing, oh, man, you’re the richest person on Earth. Spread it around, you lucky guy or gal.
Here’s what the love rig is.
It’s a spiritual creation. Not for everybody.
It’s also a Fifth-Dimensional creation in that it uses the creative imagination. As we imagine it to be, on the Fifth Dimension, so it is. (2)
To begin with, the operator of the love rig works by intention. They (3) create an intention to draw upon the endless supply of love in the higher-dimensional deposit called the heart.
They send their shaft of attention and intention down on the first out-breath – to prime the pump. (4)
Then, they let the stop valve off in the pause between breaths and on the inbreath they draw the flow of love up the rig. The inbreath is the engine that creates the vacuum that draws love forth.
It could be a wisp of love, a trickle. Or, if we’re lucky, it could be a geyser.
Not often is it a geyser, I’m afraid. Sorry. Speak to management. This again is a precious treasure, not easily won.
I remember how many enlightenment intensives I went through (twenty-three) and still did not strike paydirt. Yes, it can be hard, disappointing work. One may have to sink many shafts before one strikes it rich.
But when the endless supply actually does gush forth, my, oh my. Now you’ve got something worth gifting the world with.
Even when it recedes again and disappears, for whatever reason – good, bad, or indifferent – the memory is enough to keep one drilling for love. (5)
For now, and as long as the geyser lasts, the riches of life are at your feet. Bliss, compassion, generosity – love unlocks the other doors to all of these.
Spanish galleons. Pieces of eight. You’ve just won the lottery of love.
But stop. We’re not finished yet. If you’ve been lucky and the geyser is flowing, then you get to choose and you have to choose. Love must flow; it cannot be contained for long.
You wouldn’t just pump oil up and let it sit on the property forever. Someone has to receive it. Someone has to use it.
Similarly, you don’t just pump love up and let it sit on the property. It dissipates quickly if not used. You have to use it right away.
Where will you send your free-flowing love?
Start with your very own body and soak it with love. Round and round your field of experience you go until you’re good and moist.
Then, breath after breath, send the love out to whomever you wish. Your beloved, for sure. Your family. Your guides. Everyone who has ever helped you. Everyone you ever knew. Wider and wider circles.
Send it to Syria. Send it to Afghanistan. Send it to Washington! Send it to places that need it.
Let the celestials and galactics put it to good use.
My love rig has been designed to be infinitely expandable. You just keep adding one rig to another, in any direction. There’s no limit on supply or expandability.
By the terms of my patent, no one can sell this device. They must give it away, with no strings attached. It cannot be made use of to cause harm. Its acute spiritual sensors are programmed to shut down upon detecting ill intention, releasing the trapped love into the atmosphere to return to its original source (itself).
Improvements to this device are expected and welcomed. May you strike it rich and may the whole world be your beneficiary.
What is your favorite love practice or sadhana? Let us know and let us share it.
(1) “The oil that is currently being extracted from Mother Earth/Gaia’s body is actually the essential lubrication that is needed to keep her tectonic plates moving easily and freely in her body. The removal of this essential part of her earthen body, and yes it is her body, has caused great harm to her and will STOP.’ (“Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and St. Germain via Goldenlight: The In Between Times,” Channeled by Goldenlight, February 04, 2013, at
(2) I’m pretty sure we’re edging into the Fifth. Lightworkers at least I think are feeling it. Some people are seeing more and more power to their creative manifestations.
You remember what Matthew said: “There is no clear demarcation between densities, so there will be no dramatic indications that Earth has left third and entered fourth, then traveled into fifth.” (Matthew’ s Message, March 10, 2009, at
This accords with what’s said by afterlife communicators:
“Each sphere as you progress is blended into the next by a kind of borderland. So there is no shock to those who pass from one to another. Albeit, you will mark that each sphere is distinct in itself. Nor is the borderland between two spheres a neutral land. It partakes of the qualities of both. There is, therefore, no void, but a very real and continuous gradation all the way.” (Arnel in G. Vale Owen, medium, The Life Beyond the Veil. Book III: The Ministry of Heaven. New York, 1921, 84-5.)
(3) I so hate s/he or he/she, etc. Forgive my bad grammar. Someone come up with better gender terms or let usage change.
(4) Although I haven’t tested it completely and don’t know whether to recommend it completely or not, this breath meditation can probably be combined with rebirthing breathing, holotropic breathing, and other forms of continuous breathwork. Breath rhythmically and continuously until love flows freely.
(5) Even if your geyser flows, it may still shut down again. Mine has, although you can see how the time I spent in love has affected me, that I write and write about it.
If the flow stops, it just wasn’t the time yet for it to be permanent. If it was the time, it would not stop.
Love itself simply flows. We’re the ones who put blockages in the pipeline, etc.
After a certain level of enlightenment (Sahaja Samadhi), inside the Fifth Dimension, love ceases to come and go and we
Rejoice at how rich you once were! All I can do is sing the praises of love!