I asked Kathleen to assign me a sub-theme for this Week of Love. The main theme is the Resurgence of the Tsunami of Love. The sub theme she suggested was “love is everything.”
Now there’s an example of a statement which is wholly true. If we realized the total truth of that statement, we’d become everything; we’d become love.
I’d like to offer my own impressions in this article and, in some that follow, I’d like to look at the Company of Heaven’s teachings on the subject.
As with so many spiritual things, while we aim for realized knowledge, we start with the intellectual. (1) We get the idea of something first before we decide to experience it.
When I saw the Divine Plan in my 1987 vision, the small golden Star, which was the soul, the Self, the Christ, journeyed from God to God.
This Child of God, this offspring of the Divine went from the brilliant golden Sun, which I knew as God the Father, through the realm of matter, mater, God the Mother, and finally, after two major enlightenment’s, back to the Sun again.
I was seeing the representation of life at the highest levels. Mine was realized knowledge, not experiential or intellectual. No, it wasn’t enlightenment. Not all realizations propel a person to enlightenment. But it had all the power of realization.
The golden Sun being circular seemed to me to be the best shape to represent “all there is” in form. Let’s pretend that the golden Sun represented the Transcendental, the Absolute, the highest level of Reality there is.
Let’s pretend we can turn our attention from it now and cast it on the whole of Creation. Looking from this vantage point, we could further say that love has become everything and that too would probably be crystal clear.
Let’s descend further into dimensional density. We’re journeying away from the golden Sun, deeper into materiality.
By the power of God’s Will and the Mother’s Creative Energy, love is made dense or even firm. It becomes things like the elements and energies, plants and animals, stars and planets.
Love diversifies itself as it descends through the dimensions. However our minds also become denser the further down the dimensional ladder we descend.
In the old Third Dimension, as low as it gets for us, our mind is hampered by having to work through this dense body, which is like thick rubber. We’ve been dumbed down in the past and are getting a dose of it again through food additives, fluoridation, chemtrails, etc.
Viewed through these dense, dumbed-down minds and bodies, it looks like cells became plants and plants became animals and…. They did and they did not. Love became everything – when viewed from a higher-dimensional level.
I can only offer one glimpse into the matter. Whenever higher-dimensional love arises – what Saul calls universal love, Jesus real love, and the Mother sacred love – it fills the space and, in that space, nothing else exists. This I know from experience.
Just as this degree of love swept everything else away from my attention and awareness, so love itself at the highest levels is revealed as being everything (period). Love filling the space of my experience preconditions me, softens me up to accept the idea of love filling the space of Creation and beyond.
So what? Of what use is this knowledge? It is after all simply information, simply intellectual.
Its usefulness comes from us learning the true value of love and, if any part of us is doing so, stopping undervaluing it. There’s nothing more valuable in the world than love. If you doubt that, can you name me something else please?
If we pay little attention to love in our lives, the usefulness of this information lies in encouraging us to pay more. Nothing rewards more, in a more satisfying way, than the attention we pay to love.
Every starburst of love drifting up from the inner Star in the universe of the heart seems to bring us exactly what we’ve been seeking and asking for. The experience of sacred love is all-satisfying.
And finally its usefulness lies in causing us to reflect. Something that is everything … must be something. Would I not want to experience something so unique and good?
(1) And progress to the experiential – the emotional aspect of things. And end in the realizational – unmediated, certain knowledge of something, born of sudden insight.