with Christof Melchizedek, Tiara Kumara
& Akasha Sananda (bios)
Next Session ~ Thursday, May 25
EMPOWERMENTS are highly transformational experiences purposed to give you a big vibrational boost as a result of spiritual activation, clearing and energy recalibration.
These monthly sessions are great to rebalance and harmonize your overall spiritual alignment. The facilitators have also identified special focuses each month to assist the potency of each Empowerment session.
The frequency of super abundance can be perceived as a divine code and one that will be activated in order for it to profoundly reflect in our daily life. When this code is activated, it is like we are gifted with the papers to our divine inheritance, free and clear.
To have any level of lack appear in your reality is to be, first and foremost, not remembering Divine Principle. This is indicative of not having an authentic relationship with your spiritual core, the guiding Presence of your being.
We are addressing the idea of super abundance from the vibration of multidimensional perception. These are perceptions that vibrate beyond linear construct and that are in alignment with divine principle. These are the same laws, or principles, by which everything in the universe is governed.
Examples of these great principles are…
* We are always taken care of and provided for.
* Everything is always here and always present.
* The moment we recognize a need, it is already being fulfilled.
This embodied understand comes as result of being unified with Divine Presence. We are simply standing in Hara, grounded and centered. All is magnetized to us in spontaneous flow, in perfect timing and in just the right quantity. No strenuous effort is required. No affirmations are needed and even prayer becomes obsolete.
Want and need become signals to what is already in manifesting motion. As soon as we observe the need arising, we simply know with great certainty that this is the beacon alerting us that it is already being fulfilled.
The moment that we realize our unity with the completed condition, it begins to express outwardly. In this, the energy of need become a magnetic tool.
This Session of Empowerment awakens the code of “Super Abundance” within you by helping you to remember the Divine Principle through a grounded and highly magnetic presence.
It delivers a powerful transference to help clear and remove any living energy that is causing distortion within you, preventing full reconnection with your great abundant self.
We invite you to this powerful Super Abundance matrix and look forward to supporting your continuing upgrades.
With love,
Tiara, Christof and Akasha
I AM Avatar and the Institute of Divine Potential