The single person’s effectiveness, reach, confidence, etc., grow by leaps and bounds by evenly-matched collaboration.
I’m trying to keep the conversation general, but I can’t help but refer to my recent collaboration.
Our interests match. Our vocabulary is familiar. Our commitment to serve is equal. Our interests share more in common than most. Both of us have care for the other’s time.
The synergy that collaboration gave rise to in me was remarkable. Very noticeable.
As a result of having had nourishing conversations about common-interest topics, a book was born (previous article). Future projects were born. I felt enough energy to climb a mountain. So the synergy and the momentum it created had tangible outcomes.
It wasn’t, as I fretted, that I’d have less time to do things. As it turned out, my energy was fairly low before and collaboration put me into high gear.
I’m a believer.
I’m not sure that we have yet created mechanisms whereby lightworkers can seek out and find collaborators. I’m not talking about a dating site. I’m talking about a collegial connecting site. “Collaborators” it could be called, if someone wants to create such a site after the Reval. It’d probably be an instant hit.
The iPhone/iPod seems to have quietly caused so many of us to stop connecting, face-to-face, or so my rough, unscientific sample on the daily bus run seems to suggest.
When it comes time to collaborate, we may need to go easy on each other. We’ve come from a society about as isolated from social contact as I can imagine us being. In my view, we’re going to have to learn how to connect again.
A second matter. The automation revolution cut entry-level jobs, advancements in a company, permanent, full-time employment, and tons of professions. Many in the younger generation will not have had the wealth of office experience that we did. Allowance will need to be made for a basic transfer of office skills. Many of these folks have survived by their wits. No other generation has gotten a worse deal than they have.
Again, perhaps, make allowance … and enjoy collaborating.