Blessings Beloved Light Tribe
Brilliance is unfolding in this Now moment. Phase three of the Equinox timeline shift will complete with the Full Moon on Monday (11:09pmPT).
Passages of the Cosmic Stargate were unlocked last Saturday; a truly powerful experience. Read: Seven M-class Solar flares aimed at Saturn during that passage. That is all I may share at this moment; meditate on this. We continue to work with our Higher Teams in the highest interests of Ascension.
Perhaps you noticed the stillness on Monday and Tuesday last week as three significant lower timeline trajectories collapsed. The sensation of stillness – when time stands still – is a common occurrence during Gatework. Kingdoms and elementals appear to be in complete stillness, as if the realities are on pause. When this occurs globally, much is happening on the cosmic level.
Miracles happen outside of the constraints time-space; this is why Gatekeepers train to be open conduits. In a pure state of focus during Gatework, the higher and lower realms unify to work as One. Gateways traverse the boundaries of dimensional layers and densities, so we often experience the eerie (and fun) time-has-stopped sensation. In those moments, much larger operations may do the good work.
To witness the stillness last week was to feel miracles in the making. These streams of cosmic codes flowing into the Solar system significantly influence our experience of 5D/Unity/Crystalline Consciousness. It also provides clarity on how this timeline shift/split will be experienced by the collective. Encourage your Tribes to stay calm, centered and in-the-moment as these higher frequencies reveal higher aspects of your own Solar heart center.
These Gateways open paths for higher frequency pure light to enter, and Master Gatekeepers are welcoming in very high-level blessings for anyone resonating with the vibration of purity, divinity, and the higher experience of crystalline consciousness. This ongoing split it is revealing itself in stronger ways. Vibration = vibration. Keep it simple, Beloveds. Detoxify your words, emotions, thoughts, body and actions to support the global detoxification. As with any major influx of Cosmic Mother-level divine light, your embodiment experience is amplified.
I will write next week about the experience of embodiment. For the moment, the revelation of my new skills (truthfully, ancient skills reignited) is holding my focus. Keep your heart open and your reality capable of receiving the New.
“Conscious Media Festival Notes: Pure Creativity and the Creator State of Consciousness,” by Sandra Walter, April 8, 2017, at
Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution: April 8, 2017