Another fear I have besides a fear of self-importance and entitlement (1) is a fear of ridicule.
I fear that I’ll be deemed out of touch with reality because I tell a business associate that I work for the Divine Mother. (Ooops!) Or blurt out to another what Archangel Michael said. (Uhhhhh…..) (2)
I’ve always wanted to be on the frontiers of knowledge so being rebuked for having left the fold has always been an occupational hazard for me. (3)
Many of us older lightworkers chose to avoid being ridiculed and hurt by taking to the cave and becoming introverts. Or by living in foreign countries. Not a few of my friends are satisfied singles, not seeking relationship but preferring their missions instead.
I sometimes think we’re a community of solitaries – I won’t say “hermits.” We all love our own space and our own company.
But it carries a cost. I worry that I’ll become out of touch if I so wall myself off that I’ve turned my place into an ivory tower, isolated from reality. That fear comes right next after the fear of self-importance and entitlement.
I’m now deemed to be talking to angels and imaginary deities and am therefore out of touch with reality, in a Third-Dimensional world that works on fear, the herd instinct, and ridicule.
I have a few friends in Vancouver and more at the Bellingham meet-up and they keep me sane and open-hearted. Many lightworkers have no one to share with. That must be tough.
Hold that in your mind and consider what Archangel Michael and others have been encouraging us to do. We solitaries are to lead the way in leaving behind the old paradigms and creating a new template; primarily for the moment, in the humanitarian/philanthropic field, irrigating humanity.
The first fear that comes up in me is of being out of touch with what’s possible, realistic, or practical. I haven’t read a newspaper in years and just this last reading AAM confirmed that he didn’t want me to.
And even if he wanted me to, I wouldn’t have the time to. There’s such an information explosion on the Internet that I have to pick my sources wisely and those sources are and will be channeled. That’s another of those settled questions.
Nevertheless, it feels like being on a teeter-totter. On one side is solitary me protecting myself from ridicule and on the other side is mock-extrovert me creating a new template and mixing and mingling like the sociable type I’m not. Up and down we go.
Again the answer to this seeming quandary is to relax. The solitary me needs to learn to relax on the fear of ridicule. I’m not a young dissertation student any more whose work is too new to be accepted or a government official who has to wear the empirical-materialist mask to be considered credible. I have discernment and experience. I can do this.
The mock-extrovert needs to get that I’m not an extrovert. I’m an introvert who stewards significant sums, directed to projects. I don’t party and I don’t hanker to own a jet.
Leaving that aside and reserving my focus for building Nova Earth, I ask: How big can we dream? A gender-free and gender-equal world? A world without hunger? Homelessness? Disease? A world that works for everyone?
Holding the vision of where I’m headed … we’re headed … is my only contribution. It’s actually my passion too. (4) When I imagine the future, it raises bliss in me. Feeling inspired, I feel blissful. You could say I’m in it for the bliss and you’d be spot on.
I’m one of the dreamers. I am nothing without the creators.
(1) See “Self-Importance and Entitlement” at
(2) I can’t avoid broaching the topic to employees. The new paradigm includes working for the Divine Mother in partnership with the celestials.
(3) My first dissertation was judged to be outside my discipline; my second outside the university’s mandate (i.e., empirical materialism). All my life I’ve wanted to be on the frontiers of knowledge. I chose that rather than staying within the university’s confining paradigms.
(4) Because I’ve seen the vision of the entire journey of a soul from God to God; I’ve seen the entire picture. After that, all one feels like doing is talking about it and working for it.