We have a saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
That saying has a spectrum of applicability.
It’s very relevant to some like Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, etc. It’s not relevant to others like Jesus, St. Germaine, Gandhi, etc.
We have another term which we apply to this latter group: “self-mastered.”
What does that term mean?
Whether power corrupts or not seems to depend on whether we’ve transcended or completed our core issues (mastered ourselves), let go of our conditioned behavior, along with all other masks, acts, routines, and other manipulations we have, all of which go to make up our constructed self – the image of ourselves we present to others.
Having completed (or reached a certain stage, since cleansing is never complete) the work of cleansing ourselves is what is meant by “self-mastery.”
The Hitlers of the world give in to their vasanas, blame others for their anger and resentment, project their wrath onto them, etc. The Divine Mother in a recent Hour with an Angel, said what eventually happens to them:
“It is painful for a being that seeks power for themselves or power over another, whether it is a parent over a child, a husband over a wife, a man over an army. It matters not.
“The yearning [for], the exercise of control never gives joy. The pain simply grows. And so the actions become more grotesque, larger, until the breakdown is and has [been] and will be occurring.” (1)
It’s in the sense that their actions become more grotesque until breakdown occurs that dictators build on sand rather than on the rock of the divine qualities and universal laws.
People like these use the possession of power to serve themselves and eliminate their “enemies.” The Night of the Long Knives, during which Hitler eliminated the Brownshirts, the concentration camps, and Stalin’s Purges of the 1930s are examples of the lengths to which absolutely-corrupted people will go.
Normal, everyday, peace-loving people find themselves initially unequipped to successfully resist others who go to such lengths as torture, murder, and “total war.”
In the simplest terms, those who are “self-mastered” have learned, I think, to complete their core issues or vasanas, drop their conditioned responses, and value transparency and integrity over expediency and advantage.
They’re balanced because none of the voices that scream at us, all vasana-born, scream at them. They can weather the outer storm because there’s no inner storm. The mind is silent, all issues having been dissolved through awareness. (2)
The very cleansing we’ve been doing for some years now is what will minimize the corrupting influence of power once we have the power of funding under our belts.
New vasanas and old vasanas re-energized will be going off in us once we experience the apparent power that will seem to be ours. If we don’t yet know what a vasana is – a sleeping volcano – we may wish to brush up on the subject before the Reval hits. (3)
If we yield to our vasanas and project them onto others, step by step we’ll walk the path the Divine Mother referred to, only now the breakdown will probably occur a lot faster than, say, in the 1940s.
In the end, it’s really the state of our inner world that’ll drive us rather than the state of the outer. If we feel hostile, that’ll drive us. If we feel peaceful, we’re relieved of being driven. Feeling peaceful comes with completing our issues/vasanas/upsets.
So, in my estimation, after the Reval, we have to continue to cleanse ourselves, just as we’ve been doing all along. If we haven’t been doing it, perhaps it’s time to start, before things get very busy. Tension will go up and awareness will go down so learning then (with decreased awareness) may be more difficult.
Rather than stopping processing with the arrival of our financial assignments, we may feel a greater need to start or continue.
(1) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/.
(2) A process for clearing upsets and completing vasanas is outlined in the articles that appear here: “On Processing Vasanas” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/.
Here’s one article: “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/on-processing-vasanas/how-to-handle-unwanted-feelings-the-upset-clearing-process/
Here’s Jesus outlining essentially the same process: “Jeshua: The Third Way” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/on-processing-vasanas/jeshua-the-third-way/
(3) See “On Root Vasanas or Core Issues” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/.