Intellectual knowledge, experiential knowledge, and realized knowledge all fall into a spectrum within any one dimension. And between dimensions, I think.
Restricting myself to realized knowledge here, it runs the gamut from a flash of recognition, an “Aha!” or Eureka moment all the way to infinity.
I was going to say “all the way to Sahaja Samadhi,” but that’s only entry to the Fifth Dimension. Realization goes on a virtually-infinite distance past that, until we complete our journey from God to God.
In the last four years or so, with you as my witness, I’ve had moments of realization of higher-dimensional love, bliss, and peace. Actually months of realization of love and bliss, but only a moment of peace, so to speak.
Don’t forget that I’m a student of awareness so these – what we think of as – feeling states are important to me.
My enlightenment will come as a realization, probably, that I am love, bliss, and peace. It won’t come as the sight of my chosen ideal (Ramakrishna, Michael) or a Light brighter than a thousand suns.
The purpose of life, I find it good to remind myself, is that God should meet God in the moment of our Self-Realization. We realize who we are and who we are is God.
For God, I’m told, it’s a moment of pure delight. And for that moment, was everything we see and don’t see created.
The final act in this divine play or leela is one of realization. We could call it remembrance or recognition or awakening. They’d be different names, but we’d be pointing at the same thing.
As I see it, there are two spectra on which realization is arranged. One is within a dimension. The other is over all dimensions and spaces.
Within the Third and Fourth, the being is hampered by the experience of travelling in a dense physical body. Compared to it, the etheric body is softer than the down at the base of a feather. (1)
In this dimension, there’s the experience of disease, age, want, need, etc. Arthritis sets in. Hearts give way. Exactly when we’ve weaned ourselves from so many distractions, we begin to slow down. (2)
In such a dense medium, it was very difficult to experience a realization so deeply that it would catapult one from one dimension to the next. It’s said to be easier now.
The other spectrum of realization is among dimensions.
I think that the only thing that will change from now till the conclusion of our journey is that we’ll get deeper and deeper and deeper realizations of who we are.
A realization that brings one spiritual awakening (fourth-chakra enlightenment) may not be as deeply felt as one that results in the opening of the Third Eye (sixth-chakra enlightenment). That one may not be as deeply felt as the two higher ones after it (Brahmajnana, seventh-chakra enlightenment and Sahaja Samadhi, a permanent heart opening, moksha, liberation).
But this spectrum of realization only sees one liberated from the Third/Fourth Dimension. It only opens the door to the Fifth. There are seven more after that to open and explore. And then there’s the Transcendental. And that’s just what we know about. The door to all of them is a deeper and deeper realization.
In my view, the extent to which we open to any one realization determines the depth of our experience of it, the depth of its blossoming inside us, the extent of the explosion, so to speak.
Nowadays, we seem to be in a gradual uplifting of vibrations, through the many energy showers bathing the planet. (3) The outcome is said to be assured and the journey is getting more exciting and easier to accept and respond to.
Whatever our experience of realization was yesterday, it seems greater today, as if we’re being progressively opened up at a pace left much to our determining.
(1) I experienced it in an out-of-body experience in 1977. I guess I could also say that I realized it – that I was the spirit and not the body – but it was a very mild realization. The experience took place more on the experiential level, the delight of knowing that I was the spirit, not the body, and meeting the real me.
(2) Shankara remarked on this (paraphrased from memory) – that the individual was too busy marrying and having a family to practice spirituality in early adulthood. By the time the children leave, the individual is beginning to see their powers wane and cannot practice spirituality very strongly. Rare is the person who takes up spirituality early in life.
Operating in this fashion lifetime after lifetime, he said, we make little progress in any one lifetime in the overall task of life – to find out who we are.
(3) The Tsunami of Love from the Mother/Father One, the Tsunami of One from the archangels and ascended masters, and Porlana C from the galactics and intergalactics.