Full bibliographic entries appear below.
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
How are things, really, with us? What’s the true picture?
Jesus through John Smallman: Most of you believe that where you are situated in that power structure is as a result of your family’s place in that structure, modified by your own intellectual abilities and academic achievements.
In other words you can progress upwards through that structure to places of power and influence, and the system encourages you to believe this and to do your best to rise through the ranks.
Initial successes or achievements can be extremely rewarding and addictive, encouraging you to attempt to climb ever higher in the organization and claim the further rewards that success offers you.
You bend or modify your honesty and integrity in apparently small and unimportant ways to enable you to rise upwards to positions of increasing power, authority, and acclaim, only to discover that you are no longer free, and instead belong to the dogmatic authoritarian structure to which you have given away your power.
It becomes apparent that however high you rise there is always someone above you to whom you answer and whose authority you have to accept even if you utterly disagree with the directions and orders that you have to follow.
By then, because of your personal commitments – financial, family, and friends – and your small indiscretions where you have abandoned honesty and integrity to support your superiors, you find yourselves trapped in a web of deceit from which there seems to be no escape.
At the highest levels in all organizations people live in intense fear! Fear of discovery or fear of dismissal, and so they are encouraged and tempted to discard all their remaining integrity and honesty, the aspects of themselves that they were originally taught to believe were the most sacrosanct.
To arrive at this level and realize that there is no way back is shocking and terrifying, because all personal power is now lost, given away, and for nothing! (JES)
I see routine violations of free will every day. I hear people saying, for instance, “I’m going to change the way my boyfriend eats” and I say, “Well, you know you really can’t control people.” And they say, “I’m not controlling him. I’m helping him.”
Archangel Michael: There is a fine distinction, and that is what you are struggling with, between really wanting to control and calling it help. …
It would be very inviting at times for us to say, “We are going to help you with what you eat … and therefore you will never go out and order a cheeseburger and fries again.” Because the truth is, our help is controlling you. We are interfering. We are overriding your free will.
What a statement like this is about is … “I am going to change somebody’s choices” because that is what it is. You are seeking to override another person’s choices. …
This may seem like eating is a very simple thing but it is not. When we have talked about stewardship, we have talked about leading by example, role modelling, mentoring, and showing the way.
So using the example of eating, if you eat healthy, only green (and there is a long list of what has been defined as healthy) and you are vibrant and alive, then those around you observe and say, “I would like that as well” and they may follow your pattern.
But it is done out of love. It is not done out of a desire to change somebody so that they will conform to your ideation of what is right and wrong. (AAM 2017)
I think people can be put off if there is even a hint of pushing them in a certain direction.
Archangel Michael: That is absolutely correct. The paradigm of control is one of the essential paradigms that is being broken upon your planet and so any effort on the part of any being to try and control a person is going to meet with resistance.
Think of, as a child, when you wanted to read the book for another half-hour or watch a TV program and your parents said, “But you must be asleep and in bed by 9 o’clock.” What happened? You would fight it tooth and nail.
It is the same. As soon as you try and say, “You must” “Oh, I want to help you so don’t eat that. Eat this.” It does not work. It has to be one’s own choice and the volition of the individual.
So for example, often we have said to you, “The road to understanding, to love, to expansion – we beg you to meditate every day. Prayer, meditation, ritual.” We do not say “you must.” (AAM 2017)
Tomorrow we conclude with a look at how we’re never victims and how free will means personal responsibility for our thoughts, words, and deeds.
(Concluded in Part 3, tomorrow.)
AAM 2012 “Archangel Michael on 21/12/12 and Other Ascension-Related Matters – Part 1/2,” Dec. 26, 2012, at https://the2012scenario.com/2012/12/archangel-michael-on-211212-and-other-ascension-related-matters-part-12/.
AAM 2017 Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017.
JES Jesus through John Smallman, March 30, 2016, at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com.
HIL Hilarion, Nov. 15, 2016, at https://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarionsweeklymessage.htm
MW 2004 1 Matthew’s Message, Feb. 8, 2004, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
MW 2004 2 Matthew’s Message, May 7, 2004.
MW 2004 3 Matthew’s Message, Nov. 12, 2004.
MW 2005 Matthew’s Message, Aug. 5, 2005.
MW 2011 Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.
MW 2014 Matthew’s Message, Oct. 19, 2014.
MW 2015 Matthew’s Message, April 22, 2015.
MW 2016 Matthew’s Message, June 19, 2016.
SAL 2009 1 SaLuSa, Apr. 3, 2009, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
SAL 2009 2 SaLuSa, Sept. 18, 2009.
SAL 2010 1 SaLuSa, Apr. 16, 2010.
SAL 2010 2 SaLuSa, May 26, 2010.
SAL 2010 3 SaLuSa, Nov. 26, 2010.
SAL 2011 SaLuSa, May 25, 2011.