Archangel Michael joined us on today’s Hour with an Angel to discuss the right use of power.
Following on from the Divine Mother’s clarion call to us to assume our divine authority and build her something beautiful (Nova Earth), (1) he asked us to recognize our power and use it in the service of the Mother and in this great project.
He wove four themes together: The Mother’s Plan, our free will, our power, and our divine authority.
He actually wove a few more strands than that because a discussion of power without one of love would have no … power. Love powers everything. He discussed that as well.
The trailer?
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“We come this day to talk about power. But even before we get there I want each of you to consider, my beloveds, the wonder of this life, of this incarnation, of this time in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan.
“Through that exercise of what you have referred to as free will, partnered with your divine authority, you are bringing forth in form, in substance, in materiality the Plan of the Mother. Think of it, you are translating a divine dream, a divine wish into form.
“On this beloved planet, you’ve had an age … of inventors, where [there were] those who would dream and conceptualize such as Einstein and then that [dream] would be brought into form. …
“Now think of your life, your dreams, your ideas of what your heart desires and what you know is possible, because you came with that knowing. [That] is being brought into form, materiality. And whether it is simply a concept, such as an institution or a society, the way it functions … is still a form….
“The magnitude of this and the magnitude of our honoring of each of you in this is beyond substantial. (2)
“With that preface, power….”
A sleeves-rolled up discussion of the abuse of power, what results from it, etc., followed. For those who wonder “what’s God doing about dictators,” (3) the points made were reassuring.
And a discussion of the source of power, not to be often heard in the world as we know it.
(1) “Build what is divinely beautiful. I give you my divine authority to do so. I will guide you. I will help you. But I entrust this to you as well. …
“We are helping you. That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way.” (The Divine Mother in “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017.)
(2) In an “offstage” conversation with Linda, I had said that the messages recently were “substantial,” by which I meant “meaty.” AAM shows that he heard the conversation. He’s already told me he listens in to all our InLight/GAoG conversations. And a million others.
(3) The violence of the dictator’s rejection of the truth sets in motion a degenerative process which ultimately leads to breakdown. The Mother’s universal law takes care of the dictator.
We lightworkers are proving – bringing into form – the opposite paradigm: That love sets in motion an expansive process which ultimately leads to Ascension. The Reval is a stop along the way.