After the Reval, the river of abundance, the pipeline of wealth appears designed and destined, at least in the lightworker economy, to flow entirely through donations.
Entire companies are being formed as we speak whose sole activity will be donations – giving money away – in large amounts.
Money will flow as from the spillgates of a dam. And it’ll branch out into smaller rivers (smaller foundations and hub organizations) who will channel it into irrigation canals (local economies) and onto fields (families).
Yes, I’m future-pacing again.
The Reval money has been donated to lightworkers by the Divine Mother, through her agents, the celestials and the galactics.
Lightworkers set up the means (foundations, companies, private charities) of getting that money further down the pipeline to important hubs in various communities (the end-hunger, gender equality, minimum wage, end-homelessness communities, etc.).
The National Organization of Women in the United States would be an example of a hub organization, which might be enlisted to further spread abundance to the gender-equality projects they know of, serving as the foundation’s agent in the matter. The Family Planning Agency is another example. Oxfam. Doctors without Borders. (1) The list of potential hubs is long and all are probably ready to serve when funds arrive.
They can practically and realistically flow the money down to the irrigation canals and onto the fields.
Welcome to the new economy, the infrastructure for NESARA, the warm-up to that global event.
Can I also say a word about donors? If I actually spoke about donors, I’d worry that they’d think I was patronizing them.
I’ve been a donor all my life. Let me speak about myself and not risk being thought patronizing.
First, a word on how I donate. When I make a donation, I follow the Breakthrough-Foundation guideline. (2) Think of the sum of your donation and stay with the first figure you get.
I (usually) pay no attention to the mind chatter that comes up later, buyer’s remorse, sticker shock (with donations, not with purchases). To live completely up to my integrity and be the person my guidance seems to consider me to be, I stay with the first figure.
Second, when I make a donation, it’s a big deal for me. I get a blast of love from it and that’s all I seek or want. Big blast, lasting sometimes hours. Great satisfaction.
It would be nice if the person receiving the gift (in many cases, the employee of another organization) could see how blessed an event this is for me and help me through the process at every step. That would be “enlightened receiving.”
When I make a donation and am met by mere clock-watching behavior or someone who doesn’t want to be bothered and makes me do the work, it takes the shine off the event.
Yes, yes, I can get it back, but it hurts just the same.
Rare is the person who understands what the donor is going through, never mind the giftee. (The giftee is undoubtedly doing handsprings. I’ve seen things from that perspective as well. It’s been a great training.)
There will be so much donating as soon as the checkered man drops the flag, we’ll all have a chance at bat.
We’ll all have a chance to feel the immense, immense satisfaction (one sure way to joy) that comes from seeing that another person has what they want when we didn’t really have a use for the money anyways. (3)
When our funds and foundations receive donations, as undoubtedly they will, it’d be nice if we remembered to treat our donors with the respect and helpfulness they deserve.
At age 17, I made a pact with God. I will do your work if you manage the bills. And look how it’s about to work out.
I’m a joyful, contented donor. And about to inherit the means to multiply and leverage that joy. This is truly a win/win.
(1) I don’t anticipate one of their branches, which shall remain nameless, being preyed upon by the cabal much longer. But do your due diligence. I’m told there will be lightworkers writing directories of who is clean and who not. Lightworkers bringing financial wayshowers together in common cause.
(2) The Breakthrough Foundation was an organization within the est Network, back in the early 1980s. I learned a lot from them.
(3) Way back in 1970, I stopped making loans to people. I lost so many good friends who were in no position to repay me.
From that time on, with one exception, if I had the money I gave it to them. I’ve lost no more friends since then. … over money!