(Concluded from. Part 1.)
I asked Archangel Michael in my reading with him on Jan. 20, to expand on Ashira’s description of Porlana C energy. I add these comments here, to round out the earlier comments in Part 1. (1)
Steve Beckow: We only have Ashira’s discussion of Porlana C. Can you take that a step further or give us more details on Porlana C?
Archangel Michael: Think of it in this way. There are various frequencies that act as life force energies for various species at various levels of consciousness or evolution.
So you may think of the energy that Porlana C is. It was harnessed by the Intergalactics long ago and is used in a variety of ways, but basically what you can think of as essential life force energy of a vibratory nature, of a frequency that is much higher than the quotient of life force energy that has been available to human beings up to this point.
Now if you think of the type of levels of energies that have been made available to the planet as a range, you can think of, say, the previous standard of life force energy that human beings were operating on, say for the discussion’s purposes, if you think of it as 0 to 1000… Human beings have been operating at about 400- 500. We are putting numbers on the energy simply for purposes of understanding. This is not technical…
Steve: … Scientific
AAM: That is correct.
So when the Mother has sent her Tsunami of Love that has been a 1000. And think of it in this way: It has been like a lightning bolt into each of you as an ignition factor.
Then you have had the Tsunami of One which has been an energy influx into all of you (all of this is continuing by the way) that has been from our realm and the realm of your Ascended Masters, etc., and many others, and that has been slightly lower, say about 850.
What sustains you? What brings you up to a level where you can truly be in a vibratory match and frequency with your star family? It’s the Porlana C. This is the level of frequency that they operate at and occasionally through healing modalities have been available to human beings, but not on a regular basis.
Now if you can think of it as something the size of the Hubble telescope literally being sent to you continually from your star family and that is ranging 750 to 800. That is the juice that is going to get you moving.
Steve: [Request for clarification.]
AAM: What I am saying is, if you take it from 0 to 1000, the Mother is at 1000, the Ascended Masters and the Tsunami of One is at about 800-850 and the Porlana C is about 750 to 800.
This is the flow of the energy that we’ll get you as the constant flow. So you have had ignition. You have had reinforcement and now you have the steady flow of a frequency that will streamline your ability to move forward.
This is a constant flow that you and your physical bodies can accept at this time and speed up what you are doing.
Steve: Now you have said that we have had ignition.
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: What would that have constituted? What events constitute the ignition that we have had?
AAM: The ignition came from the Mother’s Tsunami of Love.
Steve: Okay, I didn’t know that. I thought ignition was in the future and was a discrete event.
AAM: No, you have already received ignition, ages ago, my friend! (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2017.)