Stillness has assumed increasing importance in my life lately. My meditations lately have been revolving around it.
It may have been today or yesterday when I suddenly noticed the presence of love in the stillness.
And I wondered at the presence of the flow of love where all else was still. And I had a paradigm shift in that moment that’s leading to a balancing of my inner male and female.
I’ve previously thought of the Divine Male and Divine Female Principles – which Hindus often call Shiva and Shakti – as being stillness and movement.
I can’t say that that abstraction, unto itself, has gotten me very far. Or maybe it’s gotten me as far as it can. It carries no more juice or power for me. That is, there’s neither the juice of experience in it for me nor the power of realization.
The moment I saw that and consulted my own experience, I shifted my metaphor. Now Shiva remained stillness but Shakti became love. Stillness was dancing with Love.
I considered the deep resonance I felt at that moment to be my soul speaking, affirming, validating.
My divine male is stillness and my divine female is love and, when I allow the two of them to dance together, I feel integrated and balanced.
And when I feel integrated and balanced, I’m able to enter into even deeper stillness and fill myself with more love. And on and on it goes, in what Archangel Michael once called, in another connection, a “sacred spiral.”
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 27, 2013.