Webinar Replay…
with information on the 2017 Particle Convergence!
This is a 90-minute webinar/video recording with deep sharing from spiritual luminaries, Christof Melchizedek, Akasha Sananda, and Tiara Kumara. It delivers an in-depth discussion of the multi-dimensional skill sets now coming online for advanced spiritual initiates and those that help us to better understand and navigate the higher frequencies coming to the planet at this time. It highlights “The Particle Convergence”, the big planetary event occurring this August and beyond.. and what we can do to prepare.
Blessings and Happy New Year!
I have just returned from Spain and the beautiful island of Ibiza. The purpose of this trip was to plan out our upcoming Avatar programming for this next new cycle and with my spiritual brothers and divine mission partners, Christof Melchizedek and Akasha Sananda of The Institute of Divine Potential.
Tremendous vision has come in surrounding the incoming cosmic frequencies that will be initiating our next steps on this exciting path of consciousness shift, and especially, our collective transition into the new Avatar OS (operating system).
We have recently produced a webinar presentation that brings valuable understanding to some of the energies that will be bathing us all as we deepen our immersion into the crystalline template transition and the advancing abilities that reveal as a result of this actualization.
The Particle Convergence
In this webinar, we touch upon the “Particle Convergence”, A REALLY BIG EVENT for Earth and all humanity, which essentially merges dimensions and timelines into one while sincerely heralding in a swift matrix shift for our planet.
In our physical time space reality, there is a three-day window in August, 2017, when we are literally in the sweet spot for this converging of energy and everything in our dimension gets super magnified, including our highest held intentions. The Star Councils are in full preparation for this as are we, bridging this information and setting up the appropriate energetic support for you, as ground crew.
We want to get as many people possible ready to serve as a divine channel and conduit while utilizing this time window to help our planet and species fully merge with the so termed, “GOLDEN AGE” timeline of Avatar Consciousness. This is why we have been in a great huddle, masterminding a full program to assist your preparation in this potent year.
For everyone who is front lines of evolutionary advancement, this is a 90 minute presentation not to be missed! It is full of valuable information for what is literally on our doorstep.
We are super inspired and excited to be with you at this momentous time on our beloved planet Earth.
Great divine blessings on your continued empowerment in 2017.
Tiara Kumara
I AM Avatar
& The Institute of Divine Potential