Recently, Matthew Ward suggested that there was a decade of delay, which ends in 2017. Its end and the powerful energy waves to come would trigger “significant changes.”
“Some time ago we told you that 2017 ends the decade of delay in society’s conscious and spiritual attainment that Earth’s Golden Age master planners had anticipated would be reached by 2007. Next year begins a grand new chapter in your world’s history as powerful energy waves undergird areas of high vibrations and start manifesting significant changes on your near horizon.” (1)
In 2014 he discussed the delay and the “celestial window” that would open, similar to 2012:
“The decade of delay in your society’s advancement will end in your year 2017, a most propitious timeframe indeed with a celestial window similar to the one during the December 2012 solstice that eased Earth into fourth density.
“Your concept of time actually is energy in motion, and since Earth’s ascension route is into successively higher, or lighter, energy planes, the few interim years will pass with increasing speed. And, ever-heightening vibrations along the way will enable expanding realization of soul-level knowingness and powers of manifestation that you will heartily welcome.” (2)
In earlier messages, he placed that timeframe at the end of 2017. But significant events could happen before that date:
“A number of messages some time ago explained what caused the 10-year delay in your society’s attaining the consciousness level anticipated by the Highest Universal Council when they formulated Earth’s Golden Age master plan. In a more recent message we told you that by the end of your year 2017, that decade of delay will be over—a fact that meant no more than that, yet it elicited a flood of emails.
“The questions can be summed up as follows: Do you mean that no important developments can happen until the end of 2017? Is that when spacecraft crews will land and ETs living here will identify themselves? Will Earth reach her ascension destination in 2017? Can Earth really be restored to her original health and beauty in that short time? Does this mean all wars will continue until 2017?
“Especially erroneous is the idea that our statement meant, or implied, that no significant developments can happen until the end of 2017.” (3)
He reminded us that things are happening every day and could happen in the blink of an eye if the entire population believed it possible. But with so few people aware of their power or what is going on on Earth, progress is slower.
“Beloved Earth family, with every passing day you are moving forward in transforming your world, an undertaking of unprecedented magnitude that is being achieved with unprecedented speed! We wish—as you do!—that everything this entails would happen in the blink of an eye, and it could if enough souls there believed it could. But few know they have this innate power, so progress in ways the populace can see goes according to what they think is possible in linear time, and they have no idea about major developments ‘off stage.’” (4)
In another message, he warned that, just as nothing dramatic happened at the end of 2012, so nothing dramatic should be expected at the end of 2017.
“Just as there was no evidence of a dramatic event when Earth entered fourth density, nothing profound will be evident as 2017 nears its end and the planet enters the density’s higher ‘layers.’ There is no demarcation between those just as there is none between the densities themselves, which we number only to indicate advancement in location or spiritual and conscious awareness.” (On demarcations, see 5)
Nevertheless, Matthew explains why an energy surge could happen at the end of 2017:
“At times celestial alignments produce energy surges that rapidly propel orbiting bodies into higher astral planes, and such will be the case the latter part of your year 2017, which coincides with the decade of delay reaching its end. During the interim Earth will be traveling through increasingly high vibrations that will birth new changes and add impetus to all underway.” (7)
Not all the changes will be peaceful, he cautions us. Some chaos will continue.
“Please do not expect the unfolding to be smooth sailing all the way. There will be trial-and-error detours along the lighted pathway, foot-dragging on the part of still slumbering souls, and the Illuminati still have remnants of power.
“They will mount resistance by causing upheavals wherever they can and using scare tactics—a number of ominous speculations, including an invasion from space, already are circulating. Souls from advanced civilizations living among you and in your skies will continue to prevent anything that could endanger you, and soon the Illuminati will have to accept the truth: Their long dark ages of controlling life on Earth have come to an end.” (8)
What do others say? When I asked her in 2014, the Divine Mother talked about the gradual and sudden aspects of ascension. She first explained that ascension has to be a gradual process overall so as not to overload our systems.
“If all of a sudden I were simply to open the floodgates and all human beings were in the infinity of eternity, it would be enough to make you insane. It would be overload to the quantum degree. …
“Ascension is upon you. It is sooner rather than later. Most of you are already there. You are simply integrating and anchoring.
“Now, because there hasn’t been this collective whoosh, not all of you are fully aware of it.” (9)
She next explained that 2017 was the time when the Golden Age would be up and running, but that the Company of Heaven wasn’t waiting till then to midwife shifts in consciousness:
“Are you looking at a date of around 2017 as a time when the glorious golden age is really up and running? That people feel like not only have we ascended, but we actually have gotten things organized, and we are operating in the new ways, and our star brothers and sisters are our next door neighbors? Is it commonplace to see the angels hovering above the house? Yes.
“Are you waiting for 2017 for the shift in heart consciousness? No. In our terms and yours, that is immediate.” (10)
Sandra Walter suggests that three waves of photonic light were happening in 2016 that were preparing us for consciousness shifts in 2017.
“We are receiving a third wave of photonic light in September, the third in a series of waves intended to prepare us for the global intense shift in 2017. The first wave was in December/January, the second in April/May, and the third arrives in September. All of these waves are focused on amplifying the shift in consciousness and Ascension. This is a natural force of evolution in progress.” (11)
Leaving the subject of the end of the ten-year delay and looking at other facets of 2017, at the recent Council of Love’s Bridge to Now Gathering in Sedona, Jesus acknowledged our memory problems and called them “inter-dimensional slippage.”
He said this would be our normal state of being in 2017 and would lead to a sense of being fluid interdimensionally.
“Let us start with this very point of you asking what lies ahead for 2017. Your sense of inter-dimensional slippage that many of you have been experiencing, of spaciness, forgetfulness, the ‘I don’t know where I am or what I’m doing or feeling’ has been growing.
“However, remember that the clarity of the Mother is always and constantly being infused into you. It was part of Her Tsunami of Love and it is part of the Tsunami of One that is continuing to this very moment.
“This sense of clarity of being inter-dimensional, of being fluid, in the flow of dimensions is becoming your normal state of being in 2017. This is particularly true for you who are lightholders, love beings, because you are slightly ahead of the wave. You have already brought into your being that heart consciousness.
“This is an enormous expansion, yes, what the channel has referred to as explosion. You are the light!” (12)
Whatever we’re going through now, can you imagine going through it and not knowing that it’s part of wider events? Some day we may need to help others going through it.
Finally, on the transition from dark to Light, Mike Quinsey’s source tells us that 2017 will give us tangible “outward evidence” that real progress can no longer be impeded by Team Dark.
“Realise that the challenge to be released from the evil plan of the dark Ones to permanently imprison you has been met and has finally delivered opportunities to be completely free from their control. Those of you who work for the Light can now go forward with confidence, knowing that this New Year will see the outward evidence that all is well, and that real progress can no longer be held up.” (13)
I personally think we’re close to starting work as financial stewards. We can take inspiration from knowing that not only abundance but an expanded consciousness will help equip us for our missions, which seem destined to unfold this coming year.
(1) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 9, 2016, at
(2) Ibid., September 23, 2014.
(3) Ibid., June 24, 2015.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Ibid., Oct. 19, 2014. In the afterlife literature, we read of people walking from one subplane to the next without passing a demarcation line. Vibrations simply get lighter or denser depending on which “direction” we go until we reach a point beyond which we feel unable to pass.
Typical is Arnel’s comment:
“Each sphere as you progress is blended into the next by a kind of borderland. So there is no shock to those who pass from one to another. Albeit, you will mark that each sphere is distinct in itself. Nor is the borderland between two spheres a neutral land. It partakes of the qualities of both. There is, therefore, no void, but a very real and continuous gradation all the way.” (“Arnel” in G. Vale Owen, medium, The Life Beyond the Veil. Book III: The Ministry of Heaven. New York, 1921, 84-5.)
See “The Boundaries of the Planes,” at
(6) Ibid., Oct. 19, 2014.
(7) Ibid., Dec. 9, 2016.
(8) The Divine Mother: My Desire is that Every Being on the Planet Falls in Love,” channeled by Linda Dillon, Sep. 26, 2014,
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) “Acceleration and the Solar Eclipse: Making the Choice,” by Sandra Walter, August 29, 2016, at
(11) Loc. cit.
(12) Jesus through Linda Dillon, Dec. 25, 2016, at
(13) Mike Quinsey, Jan. 6, 2017, at