Archangel Michael tantalizes us with talk about about a spark or ignition occurring.
Here he explains what he means by the term:
“Ignition is the feeling, the awareness, the understanding — and many of you already have this — that you are love, that you are completely in your heart consciousness, that you are in the joy even when there appears to be a morass of chaos around you, and that your focus is completely on creation, the creation of the new.
“And it is the turning of a switch, of the collective.” (1)
On another occasion, in 2013, he hinted at there being phases to ascension and therefore not simply one ignition.
“It is not simply … [one] instantaneous combustion. It is an event of Ascension. It is an event of becoming. It is an event of anchoring of the fullness of your being, of your heart consciousness. But it is not in a single moment.” (2)
The gradual nature of ascension and the fact that there may be numerous ignitions along the way explain how Kuthumi could say in 2009 that an ignition was in the offing.
“A profound new wave of consciousness … shall be coming to each of you within the next twelve to eighteen weeks. During this time period those of you who are joined together across the globe right now you will begin to form connections with people around the globe and these connections that are formulated are for the purpose of ensuring that certain transmissions are transmitted simultaneously, and in the moment of receiving the transmission another level of energy is sparked.
“This ignition clears a pathway which moves you into another level of your personal destiny and that is when you will experience many of the changes you have been working towards for many months and perhaps for some of you for many years.” (3)
He associates it with the sparking of another energy level as the result of a transmission. That’s a slightly different use of the term.
Jesus uses the term differently again – to refer to his virgin birth.
“Yes, I was born. And we have discussed how that had taken place – by the ignition of light, of Holy Spirit, of the energy of creation within what you think of as a virgin womb. Did I assume a human form? Yes, I most certainly did. And I have had human experiences.” (4)
Jesus uses the term to explain his avatarhood – the descent of the divine into flesh. AAM and Kuthumi are using it to refer to our ascent – the ascension of the individual into higher dimensions.
So the term is used to cover a range of enlightenment events.
I define enlightenment as a radical discontinuity in all levels of experience whose outcome is far superior to the state experienced previously. Exactly what experience is being referred to, as we’ll later see, depends on what stage we’re at on the ascension journey.
What causes the kind of ignition Michael is referring to? And upon whom are we waiting? Let the Divine Mother explain:
“How does this happen? You — and I do not mean you who are listening so again I tell you, I am speaking and calling to the people of Earth — you have asked to ascend as one. You have asked to be the embodiment of the highest realm of consciousness, in form, collectively, creating, inhabiting Nova Earth, Terra Gaia. This cannot occur without collective love.
“Now, who is turning that ignition key? It is not merely me, us. It is not merely the archangels or what you refer to as my Company of Heaven. It is not merely your star brothers and sisters, it is not even merely Gaia herself.
“Your hand is on the ignition as clearly as mine is. And the energy to turn that key is love. It always has been, it always will be. This is never going to change.”
We’re not loving the wrongs people do, but the god in all of us, she told us on An Hour with an Angel.
“So you are not loving the atrocities. You are loving the divinity in the collective. You are recommitting who you are and who they are, you are loving them into wholeness. Are you doing it alone? Most certainly not. That is why I have been flooding you with my energies and my gifts!” (5)
In the same program, she returned to the subject and asked us, hauntingly: “How do you ascend, how does collective ignition take place if there is not love?” (6)
I cannot conceive of ascension without love. It’d be like trying to light a damp match.
But I also believe that the energies we’re being flooded with will draw the love out of us. So no cause for concern.
In the next instalment, I’d like to relate a conversation I had with Archangel Michael in 2014 on the phases of ascension.
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) “Archangel Michael: Ignition is the Awareness that You Are Love,” channeled by Linda Dillon, October 28, 2014, at
(2) “Archangel Michael: Expect Miracles – Part 2 The Event and the Chaotic Node,” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 5, 2013, at
(3) Kuthumi, “Special Message from Kuthumi,” April 26, 2009, at
(4) “Transcript of an Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 16, 2012,” at
(5) “The Divine Mother: Beloveds, You are at a Critical Juncture – Part 2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 24, 2014, at
(6) Loc. cit.