This is what I want to do.
This is exactly how I want to live my life.
Consciously taking risks and having a good time doing it.
Expanding my total presence without embarrassment or denial of my power,
Your power, our power, Divine power – in this moment.
Putting everything right our here on the lone
And then daring to really be myself.
Choosing to step beyond the lines I know and love so well
And deliberately risking everything I’ve built up this far to keep myself comfortable.
Not just once a workshop, once a week or once a day
But over and over and over again
Until I experience my full potential
As a soul, as a teacher, as a woman, as a transformer.
I want to live this life – my life – to the fullest
And continually stretch and relax my boundaries out to include more.
Among other things I want to experience an unplanned moment.
An unpremeditated, unanticipated, unexpected, uncontrived, uncontrolled moment.
And, when it happens, I want to recognize it.
Let go, open to it
And release my pictures of what the successful moment looks like
And of how I should perform within that moment
And simply surrender and trust my unknown abilities
And let my spirit rush into that space and show itself
Fully, authentically, magically, miraculously, splendidly, wonder fully – the works!
And I want to be substantially different as a result
I expect that moment to make a difference to the rest of my life
And I want there to be a difference in the word becase of the choices made
In that single moment
And, since I don’t know what that moment’s coming,I want to experience all moments as possible entry points – just in case this is IT –
And stay conscious and be present to myself, to you, to what’s happening now
Within me and between us – along with all the possibilities of what can happen next.
I want to see clearly whatever’s going on and respond to it.
And I don’t want to feel like I’m doing this on my own.
I want friends to help.
I want to feel close and touched, love and empowered by God’s living grace – you folks
So that together we can celebrate our full power as men making a difference
And together we can apply our spiritual passion for life
And build a planet of light and transformation which really works
Within our lifetimes.