I’ve revised the article series, The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment, and turned it into a book.
Please consider it an early Christmas present from us to you.
The book itself arises from a vision I had in 1987 while driving my car. That vision showed me in wordless form the entire journey of an individual soul from God to God.
In the eight seconds the vision took to unfold, my car didn’t move an inch. I was removed from time.
I watched the individual soul travel from God the Father through the word of matter, mater, Mother.
I emerged from that experience with one sentence on the tip of my tongue: “The purpose of life is enlightenment.” I knew, as I looked at the worried face of the man in the next car, that it all works out in the final reel.
It took me twenty years to unfold the wordless knowledge contained in those few seconds, by researching the works of enlightened saints and sages. The clearest statement of what I had just seen was Jesus’ bare assertion: “I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.” (1)
This book was the second product of that research. The wiki, From Darkness Unto Light, was the first. (2)
The book can be downloaded here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment.pdf
Originally written in 2007, there are things that I’d change if I wrote the book today.
At that time, I hadn’t even heard about Ascension. The discussion of Sahaja Samadhi is there, and it’s linked up to moksha or liberation, but it isn’t linked up to Ascension.
Since then too, I met Archangel Michael and began to get some elements of my cross-cultural spirituality validated and some invalidated.
For instance, he informed me that humans don’t graduate into angels even though angels can take human form if needed. As witness all of us.
Also, the angelic realms are not hierarchical, as we’ve always thought. They have specialized functions, but that’s all.
I chuckled when I passed the part in which I estimated that Jesus was an avatar. Many years after writing this book, I asked Jesus if he was an avatar and he reluctantly agreed. He said he didn’t want to be set off from people and so he doesn’t use the word.
You’ll find other areas where the baseline of knowledge is proceeding so fast that what was written a decade ago now needs a thorough update. And I’ll do that when I find the time.
I’m reconciled to the probability that most of what I write will be overtaken by fresh revelations from the Company of Heaven within a matter of years. That’s why it pays to write about eternal themes like enlightenment, growth, emergence, etc. What one writes may need to be be revised, but eternal themes never become obsolete.
I hope the book remains a good introduction to the basics of enlightenment and the Trinity, life’s purpose and spiritual evolution.
Copyright declined. Please copy and distribute freely.
(1) John 16: 28. This is also one statement of Jesus’s avatarhood. Most of Jesus’ statements have more than one level of meaning.
(2) See here: https://goldengaiadb.com/From_Darkness_to_Light