What belief system or philosophy underpins the inequitable distribution of wealth in the world?
Historians called it “social Darwinism.”
Popular self-help writers called it “Looking Out for Number 1.”
Economists called it “enlightened self-interest.”
The Company of Heaven (the CoH) calls it service to self.
I call it the self-serving bias.
Not only is it used to justify laissez-faire economics. It can be used anywhere by an apologist of the existing order or the status quo.
Here’s an example from a currency holder (or maybe a shil or plant), called “‘Removing The Weak From Dinarland’ – Guest Post by One Who Believes”:
“Dinarland Scams and deceptions will end up separating the Weak from their currency and taking them out of action. Is this wrong? No, it is nature’s way. Some people just weren’t meant to be Millionaires, Billionaires, and Trillionaires.
“In all things there is a higher order of life that is beyond our perception at this time. In the VERY BIG PICTURE, some in Dinarland won’t make it to the Exchange and that is how it is supposed to be. This is nature’s way of culling out the weak from the strong.
“As Darwin proposed that survival of the fittest is nature’s way of ensuring its long term survival. In this post I am going to explain how this ‘Culling’ works and how to keep from being ‘Culled Out of Exchanging.'” (1)
Whoever claims this as a universal law or higher order of life has it backwards; it’s a lower order of life and is destined to disappear for evolving humans.
The CoH has said many times what the fundamental and critical structure in it is: The belief in our total separateness.
I say “total” separateness because we have now and will continue to have individual bodies until a much higher dimension. We’re not yet a “monad” or “group soul” or whatever other name is used to denote the dropping of many aspects of individuality and the rise of group consciousness. So we are to all intents and purposes separate.
Individuality is only dropped completely when we merge again with the Godhead from whom we’ve come.
But its more what we do with that knowledge that we’re looking at here.
Our body has biological needs that have to be satisfied to stay alive. Probably none of us could survive alone any more. We rely on each other to create an economy that can satisfy our needs.
To satisfy our needs, we have to work with, buy from, and sell to others.
Some people will choose to cooperate with others to satisfy their biological needs and some will choose to compete.
Among those who choose competition, some will compete but “play fair”; the social Darwinists will claim to play by the law of the jungle. Like nature, they say, human society is red in tooth and claw. Human society and economic activity favor the strongest. The weakest go to the wall.
For them, “strength” translates into wealth – or, more particularly, what money can buy. In some countries, it buys protection, immunity from prosecution, favorable press coverage, etc.
Moreover, advantage is cumulative. Having certain possessions, perks, and prestige gives the wealthy access to still more lucrative circles.
Myths of rugged individualism are shored up the social-Darwinist viewpoint. Stories of rags to riches, of pulling oneself up by one’s own bootstraps, of local boys making good were promoted. Endless tales of individual courage and compassion – many of them war stories – were contributed by mainstream media and Hollywood.
How the wealth of those who “made good” was to be shared with others was mandated by Ronald Reagan’s “trickle down” theory of economics. Trickle down proved to be simply a facade, a cover for seeing that nothing reached the masses. Or as little as possible.
The problem with social Darwinism, apart from it being based on falsities, is the penalty one pays in terms of one’s beingness and awareness for holding it as a belief.
We know some of the ways in which life is designed. For instance, we know that the truth sets us free from the bonds of our stress and tension. The converse is also true, that lying, fabricating, deceiving multiply our stress and tension.
Our social-Darwinist friends who’ve gained their wealth through pushing and lying, will have burdened their consciousnesses with devious strategies, ulterior motives, hidden agendas, etc.
Their awareness will likely be lower than otherwise as a result. Their experience of life will be curtailed in the sense that they cannot experientially reach the higher levels of happiness, joy, bliss, and so on.
And, irony of ironies, they probably won’t be able to know what’s happened because they probably won’t be aware that their awareness has decreased.
In fact awareness of what one is doing is decidedly avoided by many social Darwinists. Cover-ups and masquerades are the order of the day.
Rather than valuing awareness, many in this belief community admire shooting off a pat answer or having a comeback that brings the house down, hiding their weaknesses, failures and defeats, and looking good (desirable, attractive).
Since males are deemed the strongest, social Darwinism often obliges women to succeed as best they may. All too often, that becomes translated into “looking good,” sending women off to buy lotions and potions, do’s and dabs, all to have “that look.” Women become sexual objects, dependent on men for their livelihood.
This whole belief system and everything that flows out from it is what needs to go.
In place of an economically-competitive society that favors the strongest and wealthiest, I’d like to see what folks at the turn of the Twentieth Century called a “cooperative commonwealth,” that doesn’t favor anyone and sees to the needs of all.
I won’t be stopped by social Darwinists calling me a communist or a socialist. I am neither. I’m a humanitarian and a centrist.
The higher our vibrations go in this love shower from afar that we’re experiencing as a world, the more we’ll see and yearn for unity as a planet. Belief systems like social Darwinism will fade from our consciousness as our unified identity as incarnations of love becomes obvious.
I can guarantee that, when one is in bliss, the unity of the planet and all life is readily apparent, whereas it’s not in our ordinary conscious state. And nothing of nature, red in tooth and claw, is to be seen.
And soon that will become apparent to large numbers on the planet. The drive to express our unity and compassion in our social arrangements will then become irresistible, sweeping aside our false notions of reality.
(1) “‘Removing The Weak From Dinarland’ – Guest Post by One Who Believes,” Dinar Chronicles, Sept. 17, 2016, at https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.ca/2016/09/removing-weak-from-dinarland-guest-post.html