Vasanas, at deeper and deeper levels, continued to go off as the rising energies squeezed the sponge dry.
Why are we doing all this clearing? I came across a passage from Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman that makes it clear:
“Most of you who have followed our teachings are aware that you must clear 51% of your negative frequency patterns and attune your Soul Song to at least a portion of the lower sub-level frequencies of the Fifth Dimension in order to begin to receive the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light.” (1)
So we need to clear at least 51% of our negative-frequency patterns. I’m sure lightworkers have agreed to clear far more to allow them to demonstrate to the newly-awakened what clearing looks like.
It became clear to me that if I wanted to manage all I had promised to do, I had to get to the head vampire, the root vasana, of all this disturbance that was going off.
And the head vampire turned out to be – not surprisingly – my negative feelings towards my Dad.
This is another example of a way of being that isn’t serving me, (2) rising to my awareness in this time of third-wave energies.
And given the scale of my responsibilities soon, I can’t afford the luxury of deferring handling it. I have to handle things now. The same pressures may be present for you after the Reval.
Last time, which I described yesterday, (2) what worked for me was to see the heightened energies as exposing my patterns, leading to cognitive and emotional dissonance, and allow it to precipitate breakthrough/paradigm shift/resolution.
The alternative would be to go into breakdown and that isn’t an option for me – any more. I’ve used overwork and breakdown as an escape route in college and the workplace.
So hatred of my father is no longer working for me, if it ever did. It isn’t necessary any more. All the conditioned behavior that resulted from the vasana – the scared-wolf routine, the tough-guy act, on and on – is also no longer necessary. Big Steve to Little Steve: “Steve, wake up. The nightmare is over. It’s been over for forty years now.”
I’m dancing with a ghost. And the whole time, guess what? Nobody won. Everybody lost.
So here we go again: cognitive dissonance invites paradigmatic breakthrough.
I need to create another paradigm shift and breakthrough if I want to escape from the mounting cognitive and emotional dissonance around this always-already festering issue.
Big Steve whispers in my ear again:
“But you did set your face against it. You stood up to him. And you worked against violence towards the weak and disadvantaged all your life. So you learned from it and ran with the ball.
“Now come out from under the wreckage. Make friends with your father again. He played his part. He has his history too, worse than yours. You both achieved what you did. No one was actually, absolutely hurt in the illusory drama. You both have your own lessons learned and still to learn.”
OK, I got it. I’ll let go of all that. When negative thoughts about Dad arise in my mind, I won’t hook up to them. I’ll give them my awareness and allow them to leave in their own time, like any other vasana.
For the stubborn thoughts that remain, I consign them to the Mighty Ones (3) and, behind them, the Mother. (4)
(1) Ronna Herman, “MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL – LM-03-2016,” at
(2) For a previous example, see “Breaking Through to a New Paradigm – Part 1/2” at
(3) The Archangels.
(4) The Divine Mother, one of whose aspects is known to different religions as Kali, Shakti, Durga, the Holy Spirit, Hagia Sophia, Wisdom, Dharma. She is the Father in motion just as the Father is the Mother in stillness.