I read an article recently that alleged that 10,000 bankers had been flown out of Ashville, NC, in banker’s suits, handcuffed and shackled, to the International Court at the Hague.
There they were tried, an ascended master being in overall charge of the prosecution, and all 10,000 were executed.
It’s further alleged that these arrests and executions clear the way for Disclosure. Hard to imagine how such fearsome justice clears the way for it.
I’d think it would operate in just the reverse manner – to horrify terrestrials.
If the truth were told that the galactics helped in the prosecution of the bankers, who were later executed to a man, in what way would the residents of Earth feel secure with them?
Let’s look at what the Company of Heaven says on the subjects of crime, punishment and ascension. Would they countenance a death sentence for 10,000 bankers?
Jesus counsels understanding of the plight of the cabal and forgiveness. He describes what would become of us if we engaged in an orgy of revenge. And he asks us to love, the only way forward.
“This is not a time for condemnation and punishment, because those who have abused you, and who have abused your trust in them, are, themselves, very severely damaged souls who need your compassion.
“Not to offer it is basically an attempt to replace them with others who are apparently of the Light and who will judge and condemn them to the delighted cries of the masses, and in so doing take their places. If this happens their Light will fade rapidly as the power they suddenly find themselves holding corrupts them absolutely. But that will not happen.
“The way forward, as always, is in Love. Anything that is not in perfect alignment with Love is unreal, corrupting, and corruptible. As the old order falls rejoice, but do not attempt to replace it, no matter how seductive and enlightened the offered replacements appear to be.” (1)
What Jesus says about war in the name of peace applies as well to retribution in the name of justice:
“Peace cannot be achieved by going to war! Yet even today on your planet there are those who claim that wars to achieve and maintain peace are essential, and they are regularly engaged in imagining scenarios in which ‘the enemy’ takes an unacceptable action that must be retaliated against with maximum force to demonstrate that the power of might, when used by those with ‘intelligence and wisdom,’ can effectively maintain peace. …
“The time for war is passed. It has never served you. It has only caused you grief and suffering, despite the high and mighty aims it was always supposed to protect and preserve, and finally enough of you have made the decision, the collective decision, to cease engaging in it.
“That decision is powerful and irrevocable, as it has the Will of God to support it. Humanity has chosen a new direction, a direction based on loving kindness, which is but a reflection of your true and divine nature. All in the spiritual realms support this change of direction with joyful enthusiasm, and rejoice that it has been made.” (2)
In what way is the execution of 10,000 bankers “a new direction”? It isn’t. In what way will retribution bring harmony? It leaves residue. It won’t.
In talking about world peace, Archangel Michael says, “there is no room for further conflict.” But are we not visiting violence on the bankers? Is that not further conflict?
He continued:
“Despite these upheavals of violence, what is really happening is the people, each of you, in tandem with your brothers and sisters of these areas, is saying, ‘No, this simply cannot continue.’
“It is not a matter of which faction is right or wrong, because that is a completely gray area and it has no place, because to determine that someone is right or wrong means that they have greater favor with One, with God, with the Mother. And that is simply not so. It is an illusion of the most dim sort.
“So that is what is truly transpiring. We are making many of what you think of as the political machinations, the posturing, the positioning, the jockeying, very slow right now in this situation, so that the true purpose of peace can come to the forefront and this violence simply stop.” (3)
The Company of Heaven takes a long view. They know that we who accuse the cabal were a few lifetimes ago part of the problem.
Saul talks about an end to a dog-eat-dog order.
“The old harshly competitive dog-eat-dog way of life, is on the verge of collapse. However, the good news is that humanity is waking up to the unsustainability of constant conflict and planetary despoliation, and in many places people are rising up to the challenge and taking the necessary steps to resolve conflict and reverse planetary damage through wise and thoughtful negotiation.
“As a result, those callous military leaders who have for eons chosen to engage in pre-emptive wars, and their counterparts in business and politics, and even some religious leaders, no longer have a following of admiring disciples ready to continue engaging in policies that can clearly be seen to be at best unwise and at worst totally insane.” (4)
Shall a dog-eat-dog world end by the winner eating the loser? I doubt it.
The God of this universe speaks through Suzy Ward to tell us that “the spiritual level on which you will change your leaders from being darkly-ruled themselves to people worthy of being leaders – true leaders with spiritual integrity – is within your hearts.” (5) Drawing on the love to be found in our hearts and loving the dark is the only way to assist it to change. There’s no endorsement of retribution here.
On the contrary, the CoH declares its readiness to give everyone a chance, SaLuSa declares, to “change their ways.”
“Now that [the cabal] realise their time is nearly up, their thoughts have turned to escaping the consequences of their acts. However, there is no realistic chance of that happening. They will find that their escape routes are being blocked, and they will suffer the consequence of their actions.
“We are not referring to man’s idea of retribution, but encouragement and help to return to the Light. Rarely do souls turn their back on an opportunity to change their ways, but if not they are the makers of their own destiny and their life ending.” (6)
Their life would end because they can no longer live in the rarified energy surrounding the Earth not because they were executed.
The Company of Heaven, including the galactics and the ascended masters, all teach universal love and forgiveness, not harsh retribution and fearfulness. I don’t think they would ever be part of a judicial procedure that saw 10,000 bankers executed.
(1) Jesus via John Smallman, Nov. 22, 2014, at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com.
(2) Jesus through John Smallman, June 16, 2013.
(3) “Archangel Michael: Violence and War Cannot Continue – Part 1/2,” Sept. 4, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/archangel-michael-violence-and-war-cannot-continue-part-12/.
(4) Saul, Jan. 13, 2016, at https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com .
(5) God in Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2013, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
(6) SaLuSa, Feb. 27, 2015, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm .