I was asked to write an article on how opposition or the “anti” feeling draws something toward us.
The request came at the same time the Democratic Convention was on and the shouting from many camps drowned out many speakers.
Let me discuss that subject from three vantage points, if you’ll permit me.
(1) Lightworkers Taking Sides
We lightworkers have committed ourselves to speak out in the face of the corruption, exploitation, manipulation and assassination that we see around us.
The problem arises when lightworkers are unaware that the information we’re responding to has been planted to manipulate us.
The most glaring example is the treatment of Barack Obama after he won election as President. The cabal members who remained in what Paul Ryan has called “the fourth estate,” the civil service, did everything possible to defeat or distort all the President’s efforts.
His words were misrepresented and misinterpreted. False rumors, such as that he falsified his birth certificate, were used to besmirch his reputation.
The birth certificate was falsified but it wasn’t the President who did it. It was the cabal, as the Divine Mother confirmed to me. (1)
We as lightworkers who won’t stand for corruption become the cabal’s pawns in the matter because some of us either believe the false allegations completely or else tell ourselves that where there’s smoke there’s fire.
Some smokey fires are arson, deliberately set to trap us; in this case, to trick us into abandoning President Obama. And many lightworkers have abandoned him. This very successful psy op deprived the President of the support he needed to step out in new directions.
We have at best only limited insight into what’s happening globally. By playing into the cabal’s game of misrepresentation, we’re prolonging the time we remain in conflict as a world. That’s the first way that choosing sides, opposing others, and wading into the fray brings us more of what we don’t want.
(2) Energy Out is Energy Back
The second way that an “anti” attitude won’t serve us is that it brings “anti” events back on us, by the universal laws of cause and effect and of attraction.
Sue Lie’s sources said recently:
“The primary rule of the third/fourth dimension, … is ‘energy out is energy back.’
“Unfortunately, many areas on Earth have so fallen into the domination of the dark ones that the frequency rate of that area is lowered. Therefore, the dark that is going out via the consciousness of the dark ruling ones is on a slow arc of ‘energy out is energy back.’ Hence, a great deal of darkness has been put out within your era that has not yet returned to the senders. That dynamic is about to change!” (2)
SaLuSa also tells us that “a negative attitude will attract more of the same.” (3) And Matthew Ward tells us that:
“The magnified energy of fear assures that the law of attraction will bring fear-filled circumstances to the fearful person. Knowing that out of the current turmoil will come abundance for all will keep your spirits high and your resolve strong if your outlook remains positive and you don’t allow the negativity of fear to intrude. Not only does fear beget more of itself, but it is contagious – we urge you not to let that negativity enter your energy stream and radiate out to afflict those who are nearest and dearest to you! ” (4)
Thus, the negative energy we’re putting out in opposing others will return to us.
(3) Resistance Causes Persistence
The third way an “anti” attitude won’t serve us has been well explored by the growth movement.
They’ve demonstrated – to my satisfaction at least – that resistance to a negative thought or feeling causes its persistence.
Here are voices from the est Training on the subject:
Werner Erhard: “It is a law of the Mind that you become what you resist.” (5)
6-Day Trainer Hal Isen: “People go round resisting and then they wonder why their life sucks.” (6)
Communications Workshop leader Jed Naylor: “Whatever you resist persists. You get what you resist.” (7)
All things pass; all emotional states lift; all unwanted conditions yield finally because the mind doesn’t hold things in the forefront of our awareness forever. However we hold onto things longer in the moment and longer in the background of our minds when we resist them.
Neutral awareness is itself dissolutive. If we remain neutral and observe or witness something, giving it only simple, bare awareness, that feeling or thought will lift much sooner than if we resist it. If we resist it, it goes back down – wherever feelings go – re-energized.
It’s said that the cabal thrives on opposition. If the people rose up in revolt, nothing would serve the cabal’s purposes better. They’ve been said to be looking, for instance, for an opportunity to declare martial law. (The galactics have assured us that that will never be allowed to happen.) (8)
It’s also been said that, if we resist the cabal, we strengthen them, given that they apparently feed off our fear and hatred.
The Company of Heaven have been telling us for some time that evil cannot be overcome through opposition but only through love. Here is Jesus, for instance:
“Love is the answer to every problem. Love is the only means of resolution and It is completely effective because It embraces all unconditionally without judgment of any kind. …
“In Love, in Reality, there is no conflict; all is in Divine and perfect harmony, and for you to awaken you need to embrace and share Love inclusively and indiscriminately. …
“The longer you continue with attack or defense the longer you will remain unawakened.” (9)
And here is St. Germaine:
“You can only destroy what is not of love with love. You can never destroy it with anger, or control, or aggression, or greed. That will never work.” (10)
Thus love and acceptance cause the spread of something in the world; hatred and resistance cause paralysis, stuckness, persistence of the problem. If we want to see this world free itself from corruption and exploitation, the only pathway for that, it seems, is love.
These then are three reasons why the path of opposing something, which my friend called an “anti” attitude, will not work for us in the world of the future, in creating what AAM calls “Nova Being, Nova Earth.”
(1) Steve Beckow: Was Barack Obama born in Hawaii?
Divine Mother: Yes, that is correct. The difficulty that so many have…. Well, first of all, there has been a great deal of lower level vibration and interference and sabotage with this information. And that is part of what has led to confusion. Do not buy into that, dear heart.
So, yes, I confirm this, but I also say part of the difficulty that so many have had in pinning down the birth spot of this one is because this one emanates from a very high vibration. …
SB: Was Barack Obama’s birth certificate doctored?
DM: Yes.
SB: So the accusations against Barack Obama that his birth certificate is false, they really do apply to the people who actually doctored the certificate to give rise to these suspicions. Is that true?
(3) SaLuSa, Channeled by Mike Quinsey, March 6, 2015, https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/Mike%20Quinsey/channeled%20messages/March%202015/salusa_6_march_2015.htm
(4) Matthew’s Messages, Oct, 22, 2008, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
(5) Werner Erhard in W.W. Bartley, III. Werner Erhard: The Transformation of a Man; the Founding of est. New York: Potter, 1978, 44.
(6) Hal Isen, est 6-Day Trainer, Nov. 15, 1980. Handwritten notes.
(7) est Communications Workshop Leader Jed Naylor, Oct. 1980. Handwritten notes.
(8) For instance, SaLuSa tells us:
“The dark Ones have been subtle in their plan to exercise complete control over you. So much so, that few of you have even suspected that there was a plan to imprison you by taking away your rights. Believe us Dear Ones, it was well advanced and near to completion, with an attempt to create a situation that would have led to Martial Law and total control. Have no fear, the matter is now in our control and their power bases are being held in check. As we so often inform you, nothing will be allowed to interfere with your Ascension.” (SaLuSa, Aug. 19, 2011.)
(9) Jesus via John Smallman, September 8, 2013, at https://at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com.
(10) “Surrender: The Next Step to Ascension with St. Germaine and Steve Beckow,” 7/23/2016 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/07/31/transcript-st-germaine-ahwaa-surrender-next-step-ascension-july-14-2016/