Our lightworker correspondent in Turkey continues with a description of life after the failed coup attempt.
Dear Golden Age of Gaia readers,
How does a lightworker feel through conflict and conflicting information? To share my experience of being in the heart of chaos, I wrote on the night of the coup attempt in Turkey and that is why I am putting together an update on how we are getting on with life.
It has been more than 2 weeks since the coup attempt and information and misinformation are flying around us like there is no tomorrow. Many are still shell-shocked; all in all we are just trying to come to terms with the situation.
In these times, my deepest sense is that we have to listen to our hearts and nothing and nobody else. Because with our 3D senses we really don’t know how things came about and where we are going next. Perhaps in 20-30 years’ time we will understand this whole show in much better light.
I try not to get into old-world discussions like who wear the white hats and who are the black hats. We are beyond that now, the pieces we have to put together, the society we should heal and the lives we should mend are way more important.
However, if you allow me being one bit of 3D, I would say that anyone involved in this coup attempt, doesn’t matter what side they were on, have been wearing stupid hats! Bombing your own parliament, traumatising your own people, scaring and scarring your own children, none of the acts of that infamous night make a bit of sense to me.
So now, we look at what we have in hand. Can we get back to love, hope, trust, faith? Can we respect the dead, the injured, and the frightened and forgive the plotter, the violent and the liar? Can we understand that they did what they did because they were so fearful? May be, just maybe, can we use this opportunity to bring together a deeply fractured society? I really hope so.
But this doesn’t look very likely in the near future. Now that the governing party is in deep vendetta and looking for revenge, we are more divided than ever. Thousands upon thousands have been sacked or put on unpaid leave, companies are overtaken by the government unlawfully, army almost dismantled, parliament made powerless, many many thousands have been detained, and according to Amnesty International reports, many are being tortured, raped, mistreated and some are strangely lost – not dead, lost – as you are reading this. And many of these people are actually are not coup supporters but have opposing beliefs about how they want to be governed or they do not agree with the government policies.
When all of this is going on, a thought came to my mind: What about AA Gabrielle’s and Divine Mother’s Topaz Box! I have been putting people, especially those in power in topaz boxes since I first heard of it on An Hour with an Angel. That must be some years ago. (1) All sorts of people are placed their topaz boxes in my mind, from Trump to our current President, Kim Jong Un, Bankers, to all of ISIS, well, even Kanye West at one point!
Is this topaz box not working? Or is it working but we don’t understand how? Do we have misplaced expectations on how the change will occur? What if the topaz box actually reflects us and before we profoundly change, nothing else will change? What if we should just get rid of the almost “righteous” feel about ourselves, thinking we are the love warriors, etc., and just focus on the moment, live the life the best we can and give up all of this lightworking business and ambitions that come with it?
Dear friends, when you are in the middle of turmoil, chaos, craziness, you think of all sorts of things! I feel that I am desperate to find out the “lessons learned” from the situation. A part of me thinks, once we learn what we must, perhaps this will all go away and we’ll live happily ever after.
Then I receive the below message from a reader, and I say “oh yes, we are learning,” so I have this very silent relief coming over me. She says:
“This is very hard for me friends. I am out of my depth. I am working very hard to erase the remnants of that horrific night. The incidents happened very close to where we live. The jets, the helicopters, guns and bombs’ noises are still in my ears. But most of all, the cries and screams of the children who live in the same apartment building are not leaving me.
‘However these events brought me back to the real world. All my prejudices, my arrogance have been slapped to my face. It reminded me of the Syrians, whom I am very angry for leaving their own country without defending it. Friends, I never knew how hard this would be, how difficult it would be to live in the shadow of weapons and bombs. And it is so hard, I have no other words. I found out how difficult, how heart-breaking it was to see my own 25 year old son covering his ears and going through enormous panic and desperation.
‘Just before the dawn break, in great fear we ran away to our orchard in the country just outside Ankara (capital city of Turkey) And all day, my bare feet on earth, my hands on the trees I tried to meditate and calm myself. Thank you for all your shares here. Supreme Creator, protect us all.”
Since July 16th, every night at 10.00 PM thousands of us Turkish Lightworkers breathe in Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace, transmute with St. Germaine’s Torch of Violet Flame and jump in the oceans of Mother’s Tsunami of Love. Many thanks to Linda Dillon’s channelling and GAoG for all these methods. You are all invited!
So, this is not over yet, so much more to learn and live. I am sure I will keep on questioning everything that I carry inside me. And I very much hope one day I can share with you the good news of cracking the code of peace, unity and joy in Turkey!
(1) Archangel Gabrielle discussed this form of containment in 2014 on An Hour with an Angel: See “Archangel Gabrielle: The Time for Subjugation is Coming to an End ~ Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, March 13, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/03/archangel-gabrielle-the-time-of-subjugation-is-coming-to-an-end-part-22/.